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cassie.rose She only bad cause she did it on her own 😈 📸: @diamondkwhite
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User1: Damnnnn 😍😍😍

User2: This fit 🥺

User3: I'm so gay now

diamondkwhite: My bestie thiccc 🤤
   —cassie.rose: 😘

Therealnickmara: Take it off 😑
   —cassie.rose: When did you become my dad ? 😂
      —Therealnickmara: When we became best friends 😭

User4: I feel attacked

Theaustinporter: Oh wow 😅😍
   —cassie.rose: 😉😉

User5: My parents ^^
   —User6: They're honestly the cutest 😌

jackgilinsky: Damn Cassie 😍😘

User7: A Zaddyyyyy ^^^

"See my breast don't match my ass but yours do and it triggers me.", Diamond complained as she was doing my makeup. "Diamond, please shut up and have fun tonight.", I laugh. "I always have fun.", she pouted. "Well then just do that and stop worrying about your body. Cause you look good." I say.

"And I'm bomb at doing makeup too.", she said as she just finished my makeup. "Thanks babes.", I say as I smile at myself. "Let's get you downstairs to your future mans.", she said as she pushed me out of my room. "Wait, who ?", I ask her. "Austin ! Don't be dumb, girl.", Diamond laughed. We headed downstairs to the party.

Just like always, the party is loud and bumping. I look around and see mostly the same faces from the previous parties the boys threw. Of course there was Zion and Nick dancing in one area, Brandon chilling with his girlfriend Maggie in another area, and Edwin was eating the snacks.

"My man is here.", Diamond squealed. "Wait, don't leave me yet.", I say. "Omg girl, Austin is over there.", she said as she pointed. "Oh shit.", I heard her curse. I look over at where Austin was and he was talking to some girl with blonde hair. I felt kind of hurt. "Who is that ?", I ask Diamond. "That's Ansley. Her and Austin have history."

I watched as they talked and laughed together. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulder. "I mean they're not together so you still have a chance.", Diamond told me. "No. I told him I liked him. He hasn't said a word to me about it.", I say as I walk away.

I head to the kitchen where I had prepared all the snacks for the party. I went into the fridge to look for my water bottle. I didn't see it so I bent over a little further inside to find it. "Found what you were looking for ?", I heard a familiar voice say. I stand up straight and turn around to see Jack Gilinsky. I've met him a few times from previous parties and hang outs. Too much of a flirt if you ask me.

"Yea, I found what I was looking for. Now you can leave me alone.", I say as I try to walk away. "Woah, Cassie don't be like that.", Jack said as he grabbed my arm. "I'm not being like anything. I just don't have time for you and your bullshit.", I tell him. "What bullshit ? I can't talk to the prettiest girl at the party ?", he asked with a smirk.

"Ok one, I'm not the prettiest. And two, you're wasting my time. You can have any girl you want so go get them and leave me alone when you don't actually want me.", I say getting annoyed. Don't get me wrong, Jack is extremely attractive. But he's too friendly. Always flirting with girls and stuff. I can't do it.

"What if I did want you ?", he asked me. I chuckled and blushed. "Then you can't have me.", I say. "And why not ?", he asked me as he stood closer. "Cause I don't want you.", I tell him. "I could make you want me.", he whispered to me as he rubbed my arm, sending a chill down my spin. "And how would you do that ?", I ask him. He smirked and started to lean in.

"Woah ! Jack get away from her !", I heard Austin yell. He looked angry. "Chill Porter, I'm just talking to her.", Jack laughed. "Yeah Austin, chill.", I say. "No, I know how he is and I'm not about to let him do that to you.", Austin said as he stood in front of Jack. "And how exactly am I with girls ?", Jack asked as he crossed his arms.

"You know exactly what you do Jack ! Now leave her alone !", Austin said. He grabbed my hand and we walked away, leaving Jack in the kitchen. "What the hell Austin !", I say as I try to pull away. He took me out to the backyard, away from the party. "You should really stay away from him.", Austin said.

"Why should I ?", I ask him rudely. "Come on, Cassie. Don't be dumb.", Austin said. "Dumb !? Says the guy who's still talking to his ex !", I yell. Austin's eyes widened. "Who told you about me and Ansley ?", he asked. "Yeah, don't worry about that. Just understand that you have no right to tell me who I can and can't be with.", I snap.

"Well, what was all that about me being your crush !?", he yelled at me. "You still are ! But if you're still tied to your ex, I want nothing to do with you.", I tell him. He looked shocked, but I meant what I said. I'm saving myself from getting heart broken for the first time. "Cassie, just please hear me out.", he said. "I'm listening.", I say.

"I'm not tied to her. Me and her, we're just good friends.", he said. "Like that's better.", I scoffed. Austin sighed. "I'm sorry Cassie. I really do like you.", he says as he grabs my hands. "I feel like you're just saying that to make me feel better.", I say as I roll my eyes. "I'm not. When you first arrived here, I started to like you.", he said.

I looked down at my feet. He touched my chin and lifted my head up. "You're amazing and gorgeous and I'd be a complete idiot if I lost my chance to be with you.", he said. I blushed. "Yes, you would.", I say with a laugh. "There's that smile.", he said as he rubbed my cheek with his thumb. He slowly leaned in but I stopped him.

"I'm not letting you kiss me until I know that what me and you have is going to be permanent.", I tell him. He chuckled. "So you're telling me, that you're basically gonna tease me until I prove to you that I deserve to be yours ?", he asked with a smirk. He then slowly wrapped his arm around my waist. "Mmhm.", I say. I kiss his cheek and then walk away. I'm just going to play hard to get.

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