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"Again Jack, thanks so so much for everything.", I say as Jack pulled up into the drive way. "Anything for you Cassie.", he said as he smiled. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "See you next weekend.", I tell him as I get out the car. I take my things and walk up to the door. I didn't knock right away cause I knew they'd all jump on me as soon as I walked in.

I leaned against the door and listened. "This makes no sense ! Cassie is coming home today and you guys still haven't finished the kitchen ?!", I heard Nick yell. "Edwin washes the dishes slow !", Zion yelled back. "Sorry for wanting to make sure they're all clean !", Edwin said. I laughed silently.

I open the door and walk in. "Hi babies ! I'm home !", I yell as I smile. "Cassie's home !", Zion yelled. Brandon popped his head out from the living room and him, Nick, Zion, and Edwin all rushed and tackled me. "Oh my god we missed you so much !", Brandon said. "We've been slowing dying of starvation.", Edwin said.

"I thought Nick was cooking while I was gone ?", I ask as I'm slowly being squeezed to death. "Zion and Edwin refused to eat.", Nick told me. "Ok ok, you guys can let go now.", I say. "Just a little bit longer.", Edwin said. "I love you guys so much.", I say as I chuckle. We released from the hug and Brandon grabbed my bag.

"I'll take this up to your room.", he told me. "Thanks B.", I tell him. "Ok so we're hungry now and we're ready for you to cook for us.", Nick said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Fine. You guys wanna watch a movie tonight ?", I ask them. "Hell Yea !", Zion said. "Ok, well you guys pick a movie and I'll cook.", I tell them.

I walk off and go to the kitchen. I stopped once I saw Austin sitting down in the kitchen with ear buds in. That's why he didn't rush to see me. He didn't hear me arrive. I just decided to act like I didn't see him and just cook. I started gathering all my ingredients. "Cassie ?", I heard Austin say.

I didn't turn around. "Hello Austin.", I say as I get my cooking utensils out. As I kept doing what I was doing, it was silent. I don't know what to say to him. Jack said Austin loves me. But it would be nice if Austin would just say it. "I love you.", I heard him say. I slowly turn around to face him. "What did you just say ?"

"I said I love you. I know when we were together we never said it to each other even though we both knew we loved each other. I want to be the first to say it.", Austin spoke. He was right. We never said I love you but it was only because we didn't want to say it too early even though I knew I already loved Austin.

"And I do know you Cassie. I know you thought I didn't but I do. I know everything. Your favorite color is yellow. Your favorite shoe brand is Nike. Your favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip. Your favorite song is Your Love by Dinah. Your favorite food is steak.", Austin continued.

"I know that that you get really quiet when you're sad. I know that your eyes change to a darker shade when you're mad. And I know that you get lazy when you're sick. I know that to calm you down when you're close to having an anxiety attack, is to rub your back slowly and gently."

Austin had walked up to me. He was close up to me now. And I was in tears. "And I know that your family is the reason you hate driving your car. You'd prefer to walk everywhere and not just because it's good for your legs.", he said as he grabbed my hand. "I know you Cassie. I know you and I sorry for everything. But I need you."

"You don't need me.", I cry. "Yes I do. You encourage me to do better in life. You make me happy, and you make me laugh. Without you, I don't feel motivated at all. And if you would give me a second chance, I'd love you better than last time and never ever let you get away.", he told me. I nodded my head. "Yes Austin. I'm giving you another chance.", I cry.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he picked me up and squeezed me tightly as I wrapped my legs around him. "Man, I thought I lost you.", he cried. "I was never over you Austin.", I tell him as I run my fingers through his hair. "Hold me.", Austin said. He placed me on the counter and just laid his head on my shoulder. "You're such a big baby.", I laugh. "But I'm your big baby.", he said. I kissed his lips softly.

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