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cassie.rose Thanks for cheering me up 😊 @jackgilinsky 🤞🏽
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User1: Babesss 😍😍

User2: Sis is giving us fall in the summer 🥰

User3: Look how happy she is 😍

jackgilinsky: No probably shorty 😄
cassie.rose: Cant wait for next week 🤗

User4: Where's her bf at ? 👀

Therealnickmara: Best Friend I miss you 🥺
cassie.rose: Nick I haven't been gone from the house that long 🤣
Therealnickmara: But still ☹️ I'm bored and I miss you

Zionkuwonu: Cassie ! Wtf girl we hungry 😭
   —cassie.rose: Boy go cook 😂
       —Zionkuwonu: That's what you're here for 🙄

User5: Doesn't she date Austin ? Why she hanging with Jack ?
   —User6: Sis can have male friends 😑 she living with 4 of em already

User7: Body goals 🥰

Theaustinporter: You look happy 🙂
   —cassie.rose: I am happy
      —Theaustinporter: can you come home now ?

User8: ^^^ whats going on ? 👀

"Do you have to go ? We still haven't gotten ice cream !", Jack whined. "I haven't been home in a week, Jack. The guys are worried about me. But I got you next week.", I tell him. Me and Jack have been hanging out for a good bit. Nothing serious at all. I'm not the type of girl to go to another guy when me and my man aren't doing ok.

Surprisingly, Jack was very understanding. He never brought up him liking me or anything which I appreciated cause I have a boyfriend. But he's a very good friend. Of course Austin didn't like it but I'm still mad at him for still talking to Ansley and taking her side over mine. He doesn't want to admit he's not over her.

"Ok, I'll take you home.", Jack told me. "Thanks so much.", I say as we ride. "No problem. Just let me know what day we can go get ice cream.", he said to me. "Oh my gosh Jack. You and ice cream !", I laugh. "I can't help I'm obsessed with ice cream.", he blushed. "Well I'll make you some homemade ice cream one day.", I tell him.

"That's so nice of you Cassie. You are literally too good for this world.", he told me. "Maybe.", I say as I blush. Jack pulled up in the driveway of the house. "I had fun today.", I tell him. "Me too. See you next week ?", he asked me. "See you next week.", I tell him. I then kissed his cheek and then quickly got out of the car and ran inside.

I get inside the house and quickly head upstairs. "Cassie.", I heard someone say. "What ?", I ask them. "I missed you all day.", Austin said nervously. "Ok.", I say as I start walking again. "Cassie please. Let's be adults and talk about this. Are you just gonna ignore me for the rest of our relationship ?", Austin cried.

I sighed and turned around to face him. "Sure Austin. Let's talk about how you're clearly not over your ex. Let's talk about how you took her side over mine when clearly she was just trying to make us fight which is working by the way ! Let's talk about how you aren't even treating me like your girlfriend anymore !", I yell. I was angry and sad and just tired of this fight we were in.

"Cassie I'm sorry ! You just don't understand what me and Ansley had ! That's not something I can just give up !", he yelled. My heart broke. "So you sat here and led me on ? Austin you're such an asshole for that.", I cry. "No Cassie, I'm sorry. It didn't come out right.", he said as he tried to hug me. "No ! Don't come near me ! We're done ! Talk to me when you're over her.", I cry.

I push past Austin and run downstairs. Nick grabs my arm. "Woah, Cassie where are you going ? And why are you crying ?", he asked me. "Austin isn't over Ansley and he never was !", I cry. "Wait Cassie we can fix this.", he told me. "No we can't. And I can't be here right now. I quit.", I say. I snatch away from Nick and walk back out the door.

I had no where to go. I didn't want Diamond to know. Plus her house is crowded with her and her boyfriend. And I don't want the boys to be involved as well. I know Nick is already upset and I don't want to go back in that house and face Austin. I texted the only person who would have my side no matter what the situation was.


Could you come back to the house and pick me up ?

Sure ! Everything ok ?

No Jack. Everything is not ok. 😭

What happened ? are you ok ?

I'm fine. Just please come get me. I don't want to talk about it right now

Ok, I'm otw

Hurry 😭

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