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cassie.rose This is rocky 🥰
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User1: So much adorableness 🥺

User2: I can't take all this cuteness 😭

User3: He's so tiny 😢

diamondkwhite: You're welcome 😌
   —cassie.rose: Thank you 😭 this was the best gift ever.

User4: Can I have him ?

brandon_arreaga: He's so cute that I wouldn't mind cleaning up his poop 😊
    —cassie.rose: You're adorable Brandon 😂

User5: He's such a lucky puppy 🐶

Edwinhonoret: His little barks are the cutest 🥺

User6: two babies ❤️

"Hi rocky !", I say. I was laying on the couch with my new puppy while Brandon gave me a foot message. It was getting really late. "Why isn't Nick doing this again ?", Brandon asked me. "Because he's cooking for me tonight.", I say. "Where's Austin ?"

"I don't know. Him and Zion left about an hour ago.", Brandon tells me. "Edwin !", I yell. He came running from the kitchen. "Do you need another mayonnaise sandwich ?", he asked me. "Now that you said it, yes I do. But do you know where Austin and Zion are ?", I ask him. "No but I think Nick does.", Edwin told him.

"Nick !", I yell. "Yes ?", Nick yelled from the kitchen. "Where's my boyfriend and my other friend ?", I ask him. "Who ? Austin and Zion ?", he asked. "I mean they are the only two who aren't here.", Edwin said. "Shut up ! They said they had a meeting with someone.", Nick said. "Meeting ? Since when do those two have meetings ?", Brandon asked.

"They don't. That sounds weird.", I say. I grab rocky and place him in his tiny little puppy bed. I start to walk towards the kitchen where Nick is with B and Ed following me. "Does Austin or Zion have their location on ?", I ask. All three took out their phones and check. "Austin doesn't but Zion does.", Brandon tells me. "Where are they ?"

"They're at the old abandoned water park. Where me and Zion recorded that one dance video.", Brandon said. "What kind of meeting takes place at a old abandoned water park ?", Nick asked. "Unless it wasn't a meeting at all.", Edwin said. My heart started to beat fast. "Call them, text them. Do whatever you can to get in touch with them. I got a bad feeling that something happened.", I say.

I walk away and search for my phone while the boys try to contact Austin and Zion. As I'm in the living room the door bell rings rapidly and someone is banging on the door. "Open up ! Hurry !", I heard. I quickly walk to the door as Brandon, Nick and Ed come running from the kitchen. "Guys help ! Open the door !", I heard Zion yell.

I open the door and gasped. Zion had blood all over him. He was just drenched in blood. He had Austin in his arms. Austin was out cold. Tears started to form in my eyes. "What the hell happened !?", Nick asked. "We left to go meet Ansley. She said she wanted to talk things out and apologize for everything but when we got there she pulled a gun out on Austin and shot him !", Zion explained.

"Is he still breathing ?", Edwin asked. Brandon checked his pulse. "He's still breathing.", Brandon told us. "Where was he shot ?", Nick asked. "I don't know man, it was dark and I couldn't see much of anything.", Zion cried. "We gotta get him to a hospital and fast.", Brandon said as he grabbed the car keys.

"I'll stay here with Cassie.", Nick said. "No I'm going with you guys !", I yell. "It's not good for you or the baby to be around this.", Edwin told me. "I don't care what's good ! I want Austin to be good ! He needs me with him and I can't just stay home !", I snap. "You're not going Cassie ! I'm not arguing with you !", Nick snapped at me.

"Nick, he fucking needs me ! Excuse my language but he needs me by his fucking side !", I yell. "Cassie, I understand you're scared and upset–", Nick spoke. "Hell Yea I'm upset !", I say as I cut him off. "But if you get too overwhelmed, that could cause a problem with you and that baby and we don't need that.", he said as he grabbed my hand.

Austin began to cough. "Baby ? Austin are you ok ?", I say as I touch his hand. "C-Cassie.....I love you.", he wheezed out. "And if I don't make it–", he said. "No baby don't say that. You're gonna make it. Do you know why she shot you.", I asked him. "No.", he said. "We gotta get him to the hospital before he loses too much blood.", Brandon said.

Zion placed Austin in the car and sat in the back with him while Edwin rode shot gun and Brandon would drive. Me and Nick watch as they drive off. I feel little wetness on my feet. I look down and see Rocky nibbling on my toe. I picked him up and cuddle him. "Let get inside.", Nick said to me. I started to cry.

"It's my fault Nick ! It's my fault !", I cry. "No Cassie, it's not your fault.", Nick said as he hugged me. "It is my fault ! I should've told him about the text messages she sent me. He would've never left and he would've never gotten shot !", I bawl. "Wait....what texts ?", he asked me. I pulled out my phone and showed him the messages from Ansley.

"I thought she was coming for me. That's why I didn't say anything.", I cry. Nick just hugged me. "I'm glad she didn't come for you. And it's messed up she decided to do what she did, but she's gonna go far far away and for a long time.", Nick comforted me. "I just hope he's ok. I can't lose him yet.", I cry. "You won't lose him, Cassie.", Nick said. "You won't lose him."

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