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Me and Austin went on our first date together. We had a picnic on the beach at night. It was honestly so much fun. We talk about his family and he got to know me more. Then, we talked about our future. He told me how he wanted a big family. He said he wanted a lot of kids. I guess I'll be fine with that.

We were on our way back. It was a little intense. My hormones were raging and so were Austin's. We got back home very late. We go inside and all the light were off. Which meant the guys were all in their rooms asleep. Austin was tickling me while I was trying to be quiet coming up the stairs. "Austin stop it !", I laugh.

"Let's take this to my room, shall we ?", he laughed. He grabbed my hand and I followed him into his room. He closed the door and locked it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me roughly. He picked me up and put me on the bed. I'm really shook. "Austin....Austin wait.", I say.

I had to stop him. He needed to know this before it happened. "What's wrong ? Am I being too rough ?", he asked me. "No Austin. You're perfectly fine.", I say as I sit up. "Then what's the problem ?", he asked me. "Austin, I'm a virgin.", I tell him. He nodded his head and kissed me softly. "I'll go slow.", he told me as he slowly climbed on top of me.

He took off his shirt and slowly unzipped my outfit. I was completely exposed to him but he made me feel so beautiful. "Can I touch you ?", he asked me. "Only if you're gentle", I tell him. "I will be. I promise.", he told me. He slowly put his hands on my shoulder and slowly moved down to my breast. He slowly and gently touched my beast.

"Is this ok ?", he asked me. "Yea. It's fine.", I tell him. He kissed me again and then to my neck and he got lower. Each kiss sent a tingle down my spine. I wanted him. His hands moved to my thighs. "Cassie, I'm in love with you and your thighs.", he said as he kissed me. He touched the rim of my underwear.

He looked at me for permission and I gave it to him. He slowly removed my panties and put them to the side. I close my legs, getting a little insecure down there. Austin touched my knees. "Don't be shy. I love you. I know this is scary but I'm gonna make sure you're ok.", he told me. I nodded and I opened my legs for him.

He looked at my body in awe. He started to kiss my inner thigh softly which made me gasp. I laid back and let him do what he was surprisingly good at. I gripped the bed sheets as I felt I was close. He moved back up and kissed me. "Are you ready Cassie ?", he asked me. "I'm ready.", I tell him.

Thighs ~ A.PWhere stories live. Discover now