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I didn't speak to anyone once I got back home. Once I stepped in the door, all that sadness came back and I blocked everyone out until I was ready to cook dinner. Nick respected that I didn't want to talk about anything right now and told everyone to not bother me. I just needed time to calm down.

As I prepare dinner I could feel like I was being watched. I looked over to my left and I see Austin standing by the entrance of the kitchen. He looked so sad. I quickly looked away. I didn't want to talk. Not because I was mad but I just wanted to avoid telling him how much this was bothering me.

"Cassie, please say something to me.", Austin said as I heard his voice cracking. That triggered my tears. I slowly shook my head and just kept cooking. Austin walked in the kitchen and stood behind me. He wasn't wearing a shirt so I felt his bare chest on my back. It sent a chill down my body.

His hands rubbed my shoulder and he kissed my neck softly. "A-Austin....what are you doing ?", I ask him in a whisper. "Im proving to you that I want you and only you.", he whispered softly in my ear. He continued to kiss my neck and I was trying so hard not to burn the food. I was almost done. "Austin can this wait ?", I ask him. "No, it can't.", he said.

I couldn't control myself. I quickly finished up dinner and put it on low. I turned to face Austin. "Cassie, be my girlfriend.", he said to me. It really caught me off guard. He got down on one knee. He grabbed both of my hands and kissed them. "Be my girlfriend, Cassie.", he said. I nodded. He stood back up.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry about all this Cassie. Me and Ansley no longer talk. I know it made you feel bad. I want you, and only you", he told me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. His hand moved from my waist slowly up to my face. "It's ok. Just promise me you won't break my heart.", I say. "I promise.", he said. "Cassie, I'm falling for you."

"I'm falling for you too.", I tell him. I watched as his eyes moved to my lips. He started to lean in and so did I. Our lips touched. I knew it was going to be magical but this was a different and better feeling. His hands traveled down to my butt and I gasped. "I'm sorry.", he quickly said as he let go. "No it's ok. I liked it.", I say as I blush. He smiled at me and softly kissed my lips again.

"Is dinner ready !?", I heard Zion yell. "Uh...yea !", I yell back. I turn back to the food and start setting the table with Austin helping. "Finally ! I'm starving.", Edwin said as he quickly walked into the kitchen. "You ok now ?", Nick asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for everything.", I say with a smile. "Anything for you Cassie.", Nick said as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.


PrettyMuch Chinese Beef and Broccoli soup 😍😍😍 nothing but Asian food is being cooked in our household 😂❤️

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PrettyMuch Chinese Beef and Broccoli soup 😍😍😍 nothing but Asian food is being cooked in our household 😂❤️


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