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"I think Hello is my favorite song by you guys.", I say. I was in the garage with Brandon and Nick. They were asking for my feedback with their music. "Why hello ?", Brandon asked me. "Ok for one, the beat to it is so fire. It makes me wanna dance in all kinds of ways.", I say as I laugh.

"All our beats are fire.", Nick said as he flexed his arms. "Anyways, the second verse is bomb. And then the harmonies in it. You guys can really sing.", I say. "Thank you Cassie.", Brandon said as he smiled at me. "One day we'll let you get on a track with us.", Nick told me. "No no no, I'm fine with just being your personal chef.", I tell them.

Soon Austin walked in. He looked upset. "Cassie, we gotta talk.", Austin said. "Ok give me a minute.", I say. "Now.", he said rudely. "Jeez, ok I'm coming.", I say as I get up from my seat. Nick quickly grabbed me by the hand. "Call for me if things get a little out of hand. He sounds upset.", he whispered to me.

I nodded my head and then followed Austin back inside. I followed him all the way to the backyard. "Why ?", he asked me quickly. "Why what ?", I asked him. "Why did you text Ansley and talk trash to her ?!", he snapped. "Austin she texted me !", I snap back. "That's not what she said.", he said as he crossed his arms.

"So you're going to believe your ex over me ? Austin you should know me by now !", I yell. Austin just shook his head. "You seriously don't believe me ?", I ask him. "I don't know Cassie.", he said as he ran his fingers through his hair. I couldn't believe this. "Wow Austin. I honestly don't care anymore.", I say. "I'm gonna go."

"No wait. Where are you going ?", he asked me as he grabbed my hand. "Somewhere I can be trusted and put first.", I snap. "Cassie, now wait. You don't have to go.", Austin said as he followed me back inside. "Oh yea, I do. You're still hung over your ex Austin. You just proved it to me.", I say as I go upstairs. "No I'm not !", Austin yelled.

"Liar ! If you aren't then why would you believe that I texted her when she clearly texted me first !", I yell as I shove my phone in his face and show him. He looked at it and read the messages. "Cassie, I'm sorry.", Austin quickly said. "No Austin leave me alone !", I say as I walk up to my room. I guess that's where I'll be sleeping tonight.

I slam my door and lock it. I can't believe Austin. He really didn't believe me. I've been staying with the guys for about eight months. Me and Austin have been dating for three months. He should know me and that I would never go out of my way to start drama. I'm really hurt. "Cassie please open up.", I hear Austin say as he banged on my door.

"You know what else Austin ? You lied to me ! You told me you lost all contact with Ansley ! Why are you even still talking to her !?", I yell. "It wasn't anything serious Cassie. She said she wanted to talk. And then this happened. Please believe me !", he said. "Why should I when you didn't even believe me ?", I cry. "Cassie please.", he said. "Just go away.", I tell him.

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