Started with a Dare • Sorry for everything

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I wanted to open the window for him, especially sense the rain got harder. I didn't open it, I went to my closet and grabbed my hoodie then went back into my bathroom. I changed into my hoodie and only my hoodie, ok lies I was obviously wearing underwear too. I walk out and see Jack still in the same spot. I went over to my window and opened it for him to come in, he came in and he took off his shoes as I closed my window. He looked at me and had tears forming in his eyes, I didn't know what to do. He started a rumor about me, I sang a song for him and then after he kissed another girl, and then he triggered a flashback. I felt those butterfly feelings in my stomach again, I loved that feeling but at the same time, I wanted it to go away right now. 

You: why are you here?

Jack: I'm here for you

You: well you wasted your time, go hang out with your girlfriend or whatever

Jack: what do you mean? I don't have a girlfriend

You: then who was that girl you kissed in music class today?

Jack: she just came up and kissed me

You: and you kissed her back

Jack: It was just a kiss

You: is that what you say to people about our kiss?

Jack: why are you flipping out?

You: cause I li- never mind

Jack: no tell me I want to know 

I hated this feeling, I wanted to yell at him so badly and I almost told him that I liked him. I wanted to say it but all I did at that moment was sit down on the edge of my bed. He sat down next to me and took my hand, he held it. I liked it.

Jack: please tell me

I know I told Jack that I liked him, but I never told him the truth about how he makes me feel. I suckered up and took a deep breath before I said anything.

You: Jack, I never stopped liking you after you rejected me in 8th grade. In fact my feelings for you just became more insane, the longer I had feelings for you the more I couldn't handle it. I thought that if I tried to forget I had feelings for you, then everything would be ok. It didn't work out cause those feelings just grew more everyday I was trying to hide it. 

Jack: why didn't you just tell me?

You: cause every time I did try to tell you, you would always be with your friends and sometimes you would even....

Jack: tell me

He said that in such a nice soft tone and I had tears forming in my eyes. I looked down and let my tears roll down my cheeks, I didn't want him to see my tears so I put my face in my hands and cried into the sleeves of my hoodie. I felt him pull me into a hug and I cried in his chest, he held me close to him and to be honest I loved it, I loved him. I had to finish my sentence but I couldn't stop crying. I tried my best to finish my sentence.

You: you would even tell me to "get lost" or to "go to the dump cause that's where I belong"

I could tell he felt bad cause I felt him freeze and when I looked up at him, tears started to form in his eyes. His tears fell from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks, I wiped them away with my sleeve.

Jack: y/n, I'm so sorry

You: Jack it's ok, it's in the past now ok? what matters is that we're together now and that we're happy right?

He nods and wipes his tears, I wipe my tears away and give him a kiss on his cheek. He looked at my eyes and pulled me into a long passionate kiss, of course I kissed back cause I love him. 

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