Started with A Dare • Not again...

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I wake up in bed at home, and realize it's was the day that I meet Jack's girlfriend and honestly, I didn't want to go. It would be too weird, plus what if she hates me? I suckered up and got ready.

I grabbed my keys and my phone then walked out of my house

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I grabbed my keys and my phone then walked out of my house. I got in my car and drove to the address Jack sent me. I pulled up to a pretty big house, it was almost the same as my house. I got of my car and went up to the door, I knocked and waited patiently for the door to open. I was waiting for a while, I knocked a few times. I looked around to see of there was any cars and there was only three so I assumed someone was home. I knocked on more time before giving up, finally the door opened and let me tell you this guy was not Jack. This guy had blue eyes, brown hair. He was somewhat cute. I could tell he was checking me out cause his jaw dropped and he wasn't saying anything.

You: uhm...I'm looking for Jack, Jack Avery

???: Jack there's a mighty fine girl here for you

I thought this guy was kinda weird but in a good way, Jack came to the door and when he saw me a big smile appeared on his face.

Jack: y/n come in

I did what he told me and I gave him a friendly hug. I felt weird that I was here to meet his girlfriend, but I had to do it for Jack.

Jack: how are you?

You: I'm good, ho-

Jack: come meet my girlfriend

He cut me off? No way, the Jack I know would never do that. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the living room where I saw everyone hanging out, including Christina and Corbyn. The only thing I wanted to do at this point was die. I felt so uncomfortable, it was like high school all over again. I saw two girls that didn't look familiar. I'm guessing one of them was Jack' girlfriend.

Jack: y/n you know Corbyn and Christina

You: how could I forget?

Jack: and my girlfriend over there Gabbie

He pointed at the girl with curly hair, I could tell that Jack's type had changed. I felt super awkward at this point, I didn't want to be here. I was basically forced to be here.

Jack: that's Jonah, Daniel, Zach, and Tate

He pointed to each of them as he said their names. I looked back at Gabbie and saw her give me a dirty look as if she didn't want me here. I didn't want to be here either, but here I am.

You: nice to meet you all

Jack: let's play video games

Everyone but you: yea!

Jack: y/n you wanna play?

You: actually I need to use the bathroom

Jack: oh ok, it's down the hall

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