Three Weeks Later

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Taylor looks at the pregnancy test in her hands.

Taylor: '' I'm so nervous Hayley... I don't wanna do this.'' Taylor says with a shakey voice.

Hayley: '' It's going to be okay Taylor... trust me '' As she tries to comfort her.

Taylor walks into the bathroom and started to breathe slowly.

A few minutes later Taylor walks out of the bathroom, almost looking like she's going to die of shock.

Taylor: " Hayley ... "

Hayley quickly stands up.

Taylor: " I'm ... preg-pregnant " Taylor breaks down crying into her own hands.

Taylor: " I'm not ready to be a mother. And I hardly know the father. How do I tell him ? what do I do ? "

Hayley: " Are you going to see him soon ?"

Taylor: " I was suppose to go out for dinner with him weeks ago, but I cancelled. I guess I could just call and ask him if he wants to go out. "

Taylor reaches for her phone and looks for Harry's number. As the phone rings each time she gets more and more nervous.

Taylor: " Um ... Hi Harry, it's Taylor. "

Harry: " Hey, what's up ? " He says joyfully

Taylor: " Can we go out and have dinner somewhere, I have something to tell you. "

Harry starts to get nervous and knows that it's not a good think she has to tell him.

Harry: " Oh sure Taylor ... I'll pick you up at 6. "

A few hours have passed and as Taylor is getting dressed she wonders if Harry with leave her after she tells him the news.

She hears a buzz to to let someone in the building. As she hears the footsteps coming up the stairs her heart beats a little faster. There's a knock on the door, and Taylor's heart starts racing.

Harry: " Hi Taylor." Brightly smiled and very handsome, Taylor can't take her eyes off of him.

Taylor: " Oh, Hi Harry. " She's trying to force a smile.

Harry: " Are you ready to go ? "

Taylor: " Oh yeah hold on, I just have to tell Hayley that I'm going now. "

As Taylor is running towards the kitchen she stops and realises that Harry is still standing at the door.

" OH! Harry ! you can come in !"

Harry walks in the door, closes it behind him and sits down on the couch.

Hayley is cooking her dinner for her and her boyfriend coming over soon.

Taylor: " Hayley Hayley ! I don't know what to do. I don't think I can tell him. What if he doesn't want to be a father, and he just leaves me alone ? I CAN'T DO THIS ON MY OWN !" she says pacing the room

Hayley: wow, Taylor calm down, I'm sure he's mature enough to not let you go and do this yourself. He looks like he would want to be a father. "

Taylor: " You don't know him ... I don't even know him! "

Hayley calms Taylor down

Hayley: " You can't keep him out there forever Tay. Go and have fun ! Then when it's time to tell him, tell him. "

Taylor: " Thank you Hayley " She says with a small smile.

Taylor and Harry pull up to a different restaurant from last time but it looks the same.

Taylor: " uh, Harry... is this the same restaurant? " She says with a curious look on her face.

Harry giggles

Harry:" Nope, it's not. I felt like the last one was average but not very good. So I'm taking you to my favourite restaurant !"

Taylor forces a smile and can't the moment that's not even happened yet out of her head.

As a few hours pass and they've both enjoyed theirselves for hours. Harry knows there's a reason why she asked him out.

Harry: " Taylor, I know you asked me here to tell me something. "

Taylor: " Oh, um that. Look Harry this may change our relationship, but I want you to know that I can't do this by myself. I need you. " Taylor pauses for a moment

Taylor:" Harry... I'm pregnant. "

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