Chapter 12

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As Harry and Taylor get out of the car they are surrounded by flashing lights and paparazzi. They quickly go into the restaurant and are not bothered by it at all.

Harry: Can I get a table for two? Best seat in the house.

Harry looks and smirks at Taylor and hasn't let go of her hand. They walk over to the table still holding hands, Harry rushes in front of Taylor and pulls her chair out for her. Harry smiles and waits until she sits down so he can push the chair nearer the table for her.

Waitress: Can I get you's any drinks?

Harry looks at Taylor.

Harry: Ladies first.

Taylor laughs.

Taylor: I'll have a red wine please.

Harry: And I'll have a cider.

The waitress walks away and Taylor looks away from Harrys eyes to look out the glass wall to look at the city.

Taylor: Isn't New York just... beautiful. When I moved here I never thought this would happen to me; falling in love, meeting the man of my dreams. Even though we have had some tragedies in our lives, I'm still happy and I couldn't ask for anything more.

Harry: I never thought I'd marry someone, I always thought I'd just float about until nobody needed me anymore. But you, you make me so happy. I've never been happier.

Taylor smiles and looks down at the table. As Harry falls deeper and deeper in love with her and she can feel it.

Harry: When should we tell everyone about the baby?

Taylor: I want to go to the doctors first, to make sure I'm actually pregnant and that I'm okay.

Harry: When are you going to go to the doctors?

Taylor: When ever I can. I'll give it a few weeks.

Harry: Okay, when ever you're ready.

After dinner the paparazzi are still outside and waiting for them. Harry grabs Taylor's hand and holds it tightly. With the security guard pushing paparazzi out of the way Harry makes sure Taylors in the car safe before he gets in.

Taylor: That's strange to me.

Harry: What is? the paparazzi?

Taylor: Yeah, I've never had cameras pushed into my face and lights almost blinding me.

Harry: Don't let them blind you, that's when people start to change; they start letting the fame and attention get to their heads and stop caring about the people they love... or loved.

Taylor: That won't happen to me, or you.

Harry: I don't know what could happen, I just hope my fame doesn't push you away. I couldn't live with myself if that's how I'd lose you.

Taylor: I'll always be here Harry.

Harry looks doubtful and knows that it could happen to anyone, no matter who you are or what you do. It could change you without even you acknowledging it.

When Harry and Taylor finally arrive home Harry starts getting all over Taylor, them both kissing and getting more and more intense.

Taylor: Remember, Harry. I'm pregnant.

Harry: Yeah, I know.

He continues to kiss Taylor's neck and put his hands up her back.

Taylor: Harry, that means we can't have sex. I want to stay safe, and be careful.

Harry: I'm only kissing you Taylor, am I not allowed to kiss you?

Taylor: I'm just letting you know, incase you try anything.

Taylor allows Harry to kiss her and she kisses him back. They both get a bit carried away and Harry starts to take off her clothes, forgetting that she's pregnant. Harry, not letting Taylor say a word, Taylor tries to stop him from going any further. Taylor couldn't get Harry off of her and he isn't listening to a word she's saying.


Harry hears nothing as he takes his clothes off too. Taylor starts to panic, and tries to get away. But Harry doesn't let her.


She starts to wonder why Harry's acting like this, he never has before and she doesn't feel as if it's actually happening. Taylor snaps back into reality and tries to get Harry off of her by hitting him and eventually she shoved him off of her.

Taylor: I told you no, Harry.

Harry: I- I- I'm so sorry Taylor, I don't know what happened to me. I feel like I wasn't in control. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?

Taylor shakes her head, not wanting to say a word to him. She can't even look at him.

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