Chapter 9

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Taylor's lost for words, as Harry is waiting for an answer smiling on one knee a crowd starts to gather round them, they both could hear people whispering '' Say yes !'' 

Taylor: YES!

She throws herself into his arms, the crowd starts to clap and there's a good vibe around them. As they both pull away from each other they share a passionate kiss.

Harry: I love you Mrs Styles.

Taylor: I love you too Mr Styles.

They both continue their walk hand and hand never letting go, laughing the whole way, so in love with each other. Taylor looks at Harry and smirks without saying a word just enjoying looking at each other and imagining how their future will be with their child and an amazing life ahead of them. They both get into the car and their driver starts driving them back to Harry's house. But suddenly a speeding car somes down the street and the driver cant doge the car and the car smashed right into where Taylor was sitting and knocks her out. Harry starts to see again, but only to see his fiance lifeless.


He tries to wake her up and then feels for a pulce and he finds one thankfully. He tries to take Taylor but he's weak from sock. He huggs her tighly and cries while he holds her and hears sierens.

Police Officer: IS ANYONE ALIVE ?


Police Officer: WE WILL. JUST STAY CALM.

As they help Taylor and Harry out the car they put Taylor straight in an ambulance. Harry goes with her and holds her hand, then tells her she's going to be alright. Then remembers Taylor's pregnant and starts panicing.

Harry: She's pregnant... will it survive ?

Nurse: I'm sorry Mr Styles I couldn't tell you. We will check in the hospital.

They arrive at the hospital everyone's in a rush getting Taylor into the hospital. They don't know if she'll survive being like this for much longer. They get Taylor a hospital room and she's been checked out but she's in a comma and they don't know if she'll wake up.

Harry: Taylor please please please wake up. I can't live without you. I need you.

Harry says sitting beside Taylor's unconscious body holding her hand and crying. They scanned Taylor to see if the baby's alive.

Doctor: Mr Styles, I'm sorry to say this but... Taylor's baby didn't make it...

Harry looks at Taylor in devastation. He cries even harder into Taylor's hand. 

Harry: This can't be happening, my life is over. I'm nothing without you Taylor, please.

Harry doesn't leave Taylor's side, he can't. The memories always start playing through his head, like the first time they fought and the first time they made love together. A few weeks have passed and there's still no sign of Taylor waking up, but in the middle of the night Taylor starts moving and waking up.

Harry: TAYLOR! Oh baby you're alive, I've been so worried. 

Taylor: W-what happened. 

Taylor says confused.

Harry: We got into a really bad car crash...

Taylor: Are you okay? Are you hurt?

Harry: I had about 20 stitches but i'm okay now. 

Harry kisses Taylor and hugs her tightly.

Taylor: Wait! what about the baby?

Harry: I'm sorry Taylor but the baby didn't make it. I'm so so so sorry.

Taylor breaks down and can't believe that she just lost her baby. She feels like she killed a living thing and it was all her fault.

Taylor: It's all my fault...

Harry: Taylor don't say that, it was never your fault.

Taylor: But I was suppose to keep him or her safe and protect him or her... I failed doing that.

As time goes on Taylor starts suffering from sever depression. Taylor has nightmares at night and thoughts rush through her head which make her break down and have illusions.

Taylor: I want to die Harry...

Harry: Taylor! don't see that please, I nearly lost you once I can't lose you again.

Taylor: I can't go on like this... 

Life seems to be over for Taylor, she feels like there's nothing left for her. Harry can't stand seeing her like this, it breaks his heart. He will always be there for her and make sure she has a baby someday, he promises her that. 

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