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'You really thought I will be in silence for an HOUR and let you drive? Hahahaha' I laughed then suddenly made a pokerface. 'Idiot.'
Kyung looked at me throught the rearview mirror and opened his mouth but I cut him off. 'Please keep looking at the road, I don't wanna go to jail again because you crash a car.'
'Fuck you.' He said but put his sight back on the road.

A leaned back in my seat.
'By the way, I don't know why you think a khaki jeep doesn't catch the people's attention.'
'Who said I want to avoid the people's attention?' Kyungseok raised his eyebrows, still looking at the road.
'Mhm. Maybe you don't want your hideout to be discovered?' I asked while playing with my hair. But my question was pointless because Kyung didn't bother to answer.

'Do you have day offs too like in a normal job? Or-'
'Chaeeun, I've been driving for ten minutes now but you just don't shut up. Save your words for later cause you will need them while talking with the boys.' Kyungseok interrupted me. I opened my mouth but he stopped by a death glare through the rearview mirror. Aish, this guy.
I yawned and leaned to the car's window. There's still 45 minutes till the hideout. Shit. I hate long roads. Maybe if I sleep the time will fly by faster.

I woke up to hands shaking me.
'Could you like, stop shaking me?' I mumbled, trying to slap the arms' owner. I opened my eyes still sleepy but quickly woke up as I saw Kyungseok standing in front of the jeep's opened door.
'Are we here?' I asked as I got out. I looked around: we were at an abandoned train station, a few kms away from Seoul. Well, 'train station'. There were a pair of tracks and a building but they all looked old and abandoned. I raised my eyebrows. This is where Seoul's most famous and biggest criminal group stays? This place is the Techno's hideout?
Kyung sighed. 'Yes. But please hurry, we got a little traffic so we are already 30 minutes late.'
'What a tragedy. Tell Mr.Tomato to f-'
'To tell me what?' I was streching my arms but jumped a bit when a familiar but not-so-pleasing voice interrupted me. I turned back to a guy with hair almost as red as his face.
'Taeyong oppa! Nice to see you again!' I fake smiled. He crossed his arms and looked at me. 'I've got called better insults because of my cherry red hair. And no I won't fuck myself if that's what you were thinking about. Nice try, Chaeeun. But starting from now I'm your boss, so be careful with your words.'
He gave me a last cold stare then looked at Kyung. 'What did last that long?'
'We got traffic.' He answered then waved at me. 'Come on, Chae. Let's meet the other guys.' I nodded and followed them to the station building.

When we entered not-so-surprisingly there was nothing. Just and abandoned, old station. But the boys countinued to walk into a place that was probably the men restroom about 20 years ago.

Excuse me?' I looked at them confused. 'I-'
Kyungseok shook his head. 'Just come.' Weird. I shrugged my shoulders and looked around. Only one of the three toilets was there but it was still broken. The doors were broken and there was dust everwhere. Ew. Taeyong pulled out a keychain from his pocket then opened the cleaning room's door. What the actual heck...?
Then they both went in. I followed Kyungseok but found an abanonded room aswell. There were empty shelves and an old mop but that's all. What-
'Would you stop daydreaming and come?' I heard Taeyong's voice from somewhere down. I looked at the ground and found a staircase going down starting from the cleaning room's ground. However, it was hard to find since there was a scuttle on the ground to cover it. I took a deep breath and walked to Taeyong who was waiting for me five stairs away.
'Kyungseok?' I asked as I noticed the guy wasn't here. Taeyong pointed to the cleaning room's door which was locked by Kyung at the moment. He walked to the stairs then and closed the scuttle too. After that he runned to us and smiled at me. 'We can go now.'

The end of the I.chapter
To be countinued...

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Stay tuned to the next chapter

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