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We walked upstairs in silence. I guess Kyungseok hyung's words worked. Well, of course they worked: no one wants the whole house to know who we are in reality. But to be honest both ways are true: we're indeed youngsters who came to achieve something and work but at the same time, we're criminals too. Some members like to make the things nicer and call themselves rebels, gang members or fighters for justice. But without the sweet sugarcoat, we're criminals in most people's eyes. We steal, fight (with both guns and fists) and not afraid of murder too. Sounds fun, right? Now that's why we should keep our indentity a secret.


y phone suddenly beeped that gained the others' attention?
'Buisness life, right?' Donghyuck asked. I rolled my eyes. 'I'll join you later, go ahead!'
Kyungseok hyung slowly nodded, then the group continued it's way upstairs.
I pulled out my phone.

Sry m8 sht hppnd only can mt at 11

No prob see ya later

I put my phone in my pockets and run up on the stairs. Plans are changing, I guess.
When I arrived to the 3th floor, I found Chae talking with an elderly woman, in front of a door. Oh shit. Isn't that Mrs. Choi from my old middle school? Ugh, I still remember how she hated me back then. I looked down at her. Black bun; brown, snake-y eyes; small, chubby body. Nothing really changed. But what is she doing here? Looks like she's living here. Heck. Then we should be careful cause she's the type that report you to the police for like everything.
'Huang Renjun? Oh, so nice to see you again.' she clapped as she noticed me. Judging by her huge fake smile, I'm still not her favourite.
'Same, Mrs. Choi.' I growled while slightly bowing.
'Did you graduated from high school yet?'
What a fake ass bitch. 'Yes, like 5 months ago.'
'Oh, what a surpr- And are you working? I guess you didn't go to college, considering studying never was your thing.'
I clenched my fist. Stay calm, stay calm, stay ca-
'Don't worry ma'am, Renjun's doing great. College's not good for everyone, anyways. We can have bright future without going to college or university. Right, babe?' Chae's hand slid into mine and she made a bright fake smile. Her hands are so soft and small... But what are they doing in mine?? I need an explanation asap.
I let go of her hand and hugged her waist. I smiled at her trying my best to make it convincing. 'You're absolutely right, honey.'
Mrs. Choi's face softened. 'Oh sweetheart, you're so right.' She looked at me still hostile. 'Renjun, Chaeeun is a treasure, better take care of her!'
Of course.
I kissed Chae's forehead, then fake smiled at Mrs. Choi. 'I will, don't worry.'
'Guys, come on, we have to speak with the janitor!' I heard Yoona's voice. I turned back to see all of them, standing on the stairs above us. I nodded then grabbed Chae's hand. 'Come on, we have to go. Goodbye, Mrs. Choi.' I boved to the witch and pulled Chae after me.
We walked up to the 4th floor, where a man in his 50s was waiting for us. Kyungseok hyung went to him and greeted the man. We all bowed.
'Glad you arrived safe.' he said in a serious tone. He looked strict but his words showed he was caring. 'Are you two dating?' He said pointing to my hand which was still holding Chae's. The girl quickly let it go. 'No we-'
'Yes, we are. Right, honey? ' I said grabbing her hands again. She looked at me surprised then slowly nodded.
'Congratulations, but please be polite.' The jaintor said. When we raised our brows, he quickly looked around and lowered his voice. 'Don't be loud, okay? And only make out inside your flat.'
'Yes, sir.' Chae said. I nodded too. This will be easy to keep. I don't wanna make out with Chae neither outside nor inside.

The end of the VIII. Chapter
To be continued....

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