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'I still have no idea why you came to pick me up.'
'So your new workplace is okay.'
'Yeah but why are you bringing me home exactly?'
'I'm glad you're doing great. '
'Me too. But-'
'You must act nice, I don't wanna look after a new work for you.'
'Oppa. And stop shouting.'
'Alright. Kyung, would you-'
'I said oppa.'
'Fine.' I crossed my arms and looked into Kyung's car's sideview mirror with my most deadly stare. It was useless tho, since the car's owner didn't bother to look back at me. 'So Kyungseok oppa, why are you bringing me home?'
'You know it's kinda touching to see all the '00 kids being adults and working regularly like a normal person...'
'Dude, we graduated months ago. And you still didn't answer.'
'I just wanted to check on you, okay? I did it to Renjun and Donghyuck too.'
'But they have been working at the same place for months.'
'Yes, but I wasn't their guardian before.'
'You still not.'
'Chae, I swear to God if you don't shut up-'
'Calm down, we're home.'
I looked out of the window. We were in front of our block.
I pulled out my phone from my jeans' pocket. 16:24. My workshift ended at 2 pm but my boss wanted to stay a bit so I can meet my other collagues who has afternoon shift. Like I care about them. Anyways, I have a feeling I'll like my morning shifts much better. It's not like we have time for chit-chatting but the atmosphere at mornig shift is much more comfortable.
Yoona was at home already when we arrived.
'Girl, tell your brother to stop being weird.' I spoke as I hugged her.
'What did he do?' The girl laughed.
'He came to our workplace to check on us. And he brought me home.'
'You ungrateful little rat.' Kyungseok lightly punched my shoulder before he walked out to pick up his ringing phone. 'It's the guy who delivers our furniture!' he yelled back lastly after reading the caller ID.
'Great! ' I yelled back to him but then rolled my eyes since nobody cares.
'How was your day-' I turned to Yoona but stopped when I saw the bathroom door opening.
I gasped as I saw a shirtless Hyuck casually walking out.
Yoona dramatically covered her eyes while I just looked away.
'Come on, it's just my upper half.' The boy rolled his eyes.
'But I don't wanna see it.' Yoona complained. Donghyuck sighed and put his shirt on. 'You're so oversensitive. I'm finished, you can look.'
I looked at him. 'As a friend, I must say you have nice abs tho.'
'As a friend, I must say I'm glad you like them.'
I laughed and slapped his arm. 'Stupid. By the way aren't your shift finishes at 4 pm? You should be at work.'
Hyuck rubbed his neck. 'Well. Our fridge arrived hours earlier than expected and someone had to help the delivery guy to take it into the flat. Yoona and you probably can't lift up a fridge, Renjun's workplace is far away and Kyungseok hyung wasn't able to leave work. So my boss allowed me to left work but in exchange I have to do double shift tomorrow. ' He sighed. 'That means I won't be home between 8 am and 8 pm. Don't miss me too much.'
'I won't, don't worry.' I patted his back. 12 hours of working, I really don't envy him.
'Let's cook something for dinner now that we have food.' Yoona suggested and I nodded with the biggest enthusiasm I can fake. I can cook but don't like especially after a long workday. Luckily I don't have to tomorrow because I have afternoon shift and won't be at home to cook.

Yoona and I got into cooking dinner so much we didn't even notice the front door open.
'What are you up to?'
Yoona screamed and I gave the person who scared us a kick in the leg.
When I turned around to see which dumbass guy was it I saw Renjun holding his knee. He was pissed off.
'Holy shit, calm down. Are you a horse to kick me?'
I shrugged my shoulders. 'Next time don't scare us by sneaking behind our backs.'
'I wasn't sneaking, I wanted to see what are you doing.' He shook his head.
'Well, we're doing some bibimbap for dinner. You really scared us.' Yoona patted Renjun's back then went back to cooking.
The boy put his backpack down and went to the counter. 'I'm sorry. Would you please give me some water?'
I took out a cup from the cupboard and fill it with water. When I handed it, he nodded.
'Thanks. By the way, Chae, you have a collague named Dahee, don't you?'
I frowned while going back to the chopping board. I pulled out the rasped and started rasping the carrots. 'Yes.'
'What is she like? Is she often alone or seems sad?'
'No, she's pretty outgoing and talkative.' I was confused. Why does he care?
Yoona put her hand on mine. I looked at her questioningly. 'You started rasping those poor carrots agressively. Calm down.' She chuckled after whispering. What??
I shook my hand and went back to rasping smoothly.
Renjun was thinking for a bit then spoke. 'Is she single?'
I slapped the rasper down to the kitchen counter and looked at him. 'Seriously, do I look like a dating agent? Go and find a chick by yourself!'
Renjun's eyes widened but then he pulled out his well-known I'm-gonna-freeze-you-with-my-eyes look. 'Calm the fuck down, she's the ex of my friend. He was crying because of her all day and I just wanted to know if she's doing the same.'
Yoona smiled. 'You're such a good friend, Junnie.
'Oh. Alright.' I nodded. Why am I so devastated? Why do I care if he likes one of my collegues? Why do I care about him?

The end of the XVI. chapter
To be continued...

YEEHAW here's another chapter
I'm so sorry for not posting I didn't have time to write T.T
I hope you enjoyed it, love you <3
See you next time and promise I'll try to post as soon as I can.

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