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Manik was thinking to talk alone with Alia so that they could clear their misunderstandings. Though he was angry on Alia as she insulted Nandini so much irrespective of any reason. But he couldn't deny Nandini so he decided to find out reason behind her such moves. He entered the jamroom to call Alia but to his suprise nobody was present there. He tried calling everyone but to his dismay none was picking up his calls.

Manik-(Frustrated) Where is everyone?? Why is nobody picking up my calls??

He decided to go out and check on them. He just opened the door but soon found someone tugging his hand from behind. He looked back only to get shocked. He saw Aliya bending on one knee and holding a rose in her hand. Then he saw Mukti, Cabir, and Dhruv standing on one corner with a smile on their faces. Next what he saw totally drained colour from his face. He saw one of the walls of the jam room totally filled with his and Aliya's pictures.

Manik-(Shocked) What's going on??

Aliya-(Little Nervous) Manik I know u must be thinking that what is all this. But this is truth Manik, my truth. It has been 7 years still we known each other. But now I have started liking u more than a friend. I have grown feelings for u. So Mr Manik Malhotra all I want to say is I love u. Will u be my boyfriend???

Manik-(Totally Shock) Aliya....

Mukti-Ha Manik say yes to her....

Manik couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. Here he had come to her to sort issues but she is proposing him. Yeah she is fucking proposing him which he could never think in his wildest dreams. Suddenly a rage started building up in his mind. Now he understood the damn reason for the behaviour of Alia towards Nandini. He started remembering all the incidents between Aliya and Nandini. Now he became sure that Aliya had fear that Nandini will snatch him. So she created misunderstandings between them and also tried to get Nandini kidnapped. It increased his rage to another extent. Her constant raging and asking him personal questions was also just to show that she cares for him.

While Fab4 were confused seeing Manik silent for a long time but they didn't knew that they have created a volcano which is ready to burst. Manik decided to deal with the situation in his own way. The whole jam room was silent for more than a minute and anyone can sense that it is the silence before storm. Everyone was waiting for Manik's answer while Aliya being an impatient soul broke the silence and asked him.

Aliya-(Seeing him expectantly) Manik say something.....

Then bam all the volcano whose hot lava was boiling with anger bursted on her.

Manik-(Totally Monster Mode) Are u fucking out of ur mind???

His loud and cold voice really shook them to core. Aliya quickly got up sensing Manik's anger while Mukti, Cabir and Dhruv too came near her. Sensing the environment getting thicker, Cabir decided to bulge in.

Cabir-Manik what's the matter??

Manik-(Sharp Voice) Are u asking me the matter??

Cabir too flinced at his tone while Dhruv decided to calm him.

Dhruv-Buddy she just proposed u....

Manik-(Loudly In Anger) Yeah she proposed me knowing that I don't believe in love and all still she did that. On the of top that u are also encouraging to say yes.

Now all of them were silent as Manik was correct on his place where he was only thinking about Nandini. She has gone through a lot because of Alia still she didn't complain nor take any action against her. But Alia was crossing her line and didn't care about anything.

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