🦋Serenity Café🦋

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Patton had everything he could have ever wanted! He cut off the ties with his family and dropped out of college to have the quiet self-employed life he wanted rather than the life his parents planned for him. Yeah, he had friends in college like Logan and his boyfriend Roman, and Emile! But college wasn't exactly his cup of tea. His cup of tea was his very in Café! 

That's right! Just next door of the Bookstore on the corner of Twinleaf Avenue and Elmwood Street is Serendipity Café! A place that Patton had built himself! He worked so many tireless hours handling multiple part time jobs, needed he finally did it! Plus he had to pay rent and pay for his testosterone shots! He doesn't have the funds for top surgery just yet, but he'll get there once his business starts rolling!  Oh yeah this is really great!

Plus with being right next door to a Barnes&Nobles AND across the street from a place that sells CDs and DVDs. It's an old shop, but Patton loves the entire aesthetic of it. They even have a jukebox and they have tee shirts that say RIP blockbuster. It's really cool! Either way, with the customers from those two stores Patton is surely going to be able to strict a crowd and make business just as soon as he opens up shop tomorrow!

Patton had just now finished decorating then interior design of his cafe. He had the counter set up with matierials, beans and tea leaves in the back. We brew our tea fresh in this household. All the milk is in the mini fridges under the counter and the lemonade and other flavorings in the cabinets. The baking stuff is all in the back and all the furniture is out. Patton really went to town setting it all up! 

He had two really comfy chairs with a chevron kinda pattern over in the corner with two more comfy chairs with a polka dot pattern surrounding a little table in the corner beside the bar of the counter. In front of the counter, directly in front of the door, he had one long table stretching from the very left of the area not including the line to past the front door. Then there were three little tables and chairs. All of those are tall. Then he has two regular tables in the upper corner parallel to the comfy chairs, beside door number two. Again, Patton's store was legit a corner. 

The entire theme was a mint green/blue and pastel pink! It goes with the trans flag he placed proudly behind the cash register, which also goes great with the Pansexual flag next to thst on the left and the asexual one on the right. That's right! Patton is a panromantic asexual who also happens to be trans! Deal with it!  

Patton grinned as he sent out a text in the group chat asking all of his friends to come and see the shop the day before it opens. After setting down his phone, he wiped his brow. His hair was really straight and he didn't like it. It always gets like this when he forgets to curl it in the mornings. He took off his glasses and left them on the counter for a moment as he took a paper towel and wiped his entire face. That was quite the workout!

But... something feels missing. He has his whole life falling into place but there should just one empty little hole he feels like he's missing. Whatever that hole is, it feels really important. It's like he can't feel accomplished with himself until he finds that one thing. It can't be dysphoria hittijg him, he'd be crying and hugging himself and desperately trying to curl his hair and wipe away his freckles if that was the case. Patton put on his glasses, ignoring the hole in his stomach as he heard the little bell over the front door ring. His friends! Someone's here!

"Hello~🎶 Do you how do! Patton! Oh my gosh is this your new café? Oh my goodness I LOVE IT!!!"

Yaaaaay it's Emile! His friend from college who was a psychology major! He was Logan's roommate and he's a real fun guy. They watch most of the same cartoons and love the same music so of course the two would get along! Patton ran from behind the counter and threw himself into Emile's arm for a big hug. The hole seemed filled up for now, so he could Definately ignore it when his friends were around. That's a huge relief!

A Guy I'd Kinda Be Into [Moxiety] (Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now