🦋We Could Do This Forever🦋

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"Hey Virgil?"

Patton said, pausing from his sammich that he made for himself. You can nefer Go wrongs with mayo, honey ham, and Swiss cheese! The only thing that would make it perfect would be some iceburg lettuce, but Virgil only had Romaine. Virgil put the sammich back down on his now plate, having spinnach roast beef and Colby jack on whole wheat (not patton's jam) and swallowed hard.

"What is it?"

"I think I could do this forever."

Virgil smiled, making Patton feel really happy for saying that. He didn't lie. Patton doesn't lie! He's a good boy! Making sammiches, enjoying lunch, getting the sniffles because of Thackery, having it all be well worth it... Patton could really do this forever. It's only been a week but Patton feels as though he has spent his entire life with Virgil. Are they soulmates?

"Yeah, I could do this forever too."

145 Words

The End

Thank you for reading all you wonderful people! All of you are valid and loved and have a wonderful time on this world!

Internet hugs and blow kisses <3

~Evangeline Hisahoshi

A Guy I'd Kinda Be Into [Moxiety] (Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now