☂️The Number☂️

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Emile: Go for it.

Virgil: What?

Emile: Patton. Go for him.

Virgil took the out of context text from Emile today midnight last night and skimmed it over again. It's seven in the morning, the exact time that the shop should open, and Virgil was leaning against the bookstore because he didn't want to be too obvious and risk Patton seeing him before he was actually ready.

Emile did a complete 180 from the conversation that they had before. Virgil shoved his phone in his pocket and let out a deep breath. It's seven o'clock on the dot. The store should just be opening and nobody he should be in there so it should be the perfect. Virgil needs a pep talk, but he knows that Dee isn't awake yet, he bothered Emile enough, and Remus is doing whatever so he had to do it himself

"Come on Virgil, you got this. All you have to do is order a drink, find something to talk about, and then pop the question! You got this buddy. Come on! Earn some confidence and just get this cute boy's number. Ready? On the count of three you'll go in there and talk to him! One... Two... Three!"

Virgil got off the wall and rounded the corner, seeing Patton walking back from the front door. He must have just turned the closed sign to open in the door. Virgil didn't hesitate, bitch. He opened the door and Patton instantly turned around, Lo-Fi jazzhop filling the air. He was wearing a long sleeved red and white striped shirt and some khaki shorts. The shirt was tucked in to his shorts and his apron was longer than his shorts today. There was rainbow tape on his glasses frame and he was so adorable. Virgil felt cupid's Arrow pierce his heart.

"Virgil! Wowie, you're here super duper early! Do you want me to make you a coffee or a tea like yesterday? I came up with something brand new I'm sure you're going to super love!"

Virgil felt the air being sucked out of his lungs, voice gone. Virgil just dumbly nodded, following Patton until he went behind the counter. Virgil stood there and watched him dissapeared into the kitchen. He came back with a blue plate and a tea cup. Virgil was amazed as he had some sort of pasty with blue filling and a cup. Virgil noticed a pattern, but Patton's fingers covered it.

"Oh, and don't worry about paying for the first stuff! It's all experimental and I wanted you to try it first!"

"Woah, really? Why me?"

"Because you seem like a really good person! Plus everyone else I know is busy with college and other stuff."

"Well, okay. If you say s-"

Virgil froze when he saw the design. Patron made his Pride flag on a cup? Virgil didn't remember telling him that he was specifically a demiboy. He did say both his pronouns, even though he only really uses they/them with people he's really really close to and on day's he said feeling really insecure, so it kinda Of was easy... Virgil looked up at Patton, who was beaming with pride. Yep. Virgil needs his number.

"Do you like it? I spent all night trying to bake these things with my friend! After I painted the cup that is! He told me he has a feeling you like blueberries and vanilla so I made it special!"

Aww, that's really sweet. Virgil lifted the pasty and took a bite, making sure he gets the filling too.  Layers of them pastry fell back onto the plate. It was super good! The vanilla was strong and the blueberries made him feel like he was back at home when he was a kid. He took a sip of the drink to find it was some relaxing green tea. It was super good. Virgil's face must've been obvious because Patton started celebrating.

"I knew it! I knew you'd love it! I'm going to put it on the menu because you think it's so good! I'm so happy!"

He puked out a sharpie from nowhere and grabbed a handful of napkins. He slammed the napkins down on the table and grabbed one, scribbling the word 'YASS' on it in all capital letters.  Wait a second... this is the perfect moment. This is the absolute perfect time to ask Patton for hisnphone number while he has a writing utensil and a place to write it down. Virgil was about to open his mouth when Patton ran off behind the counter again. 

Virgil sighed, finishing off both the tea and the pastry. Virgil doesn't normally eat breakfast, but wow that was good. Virgil took out his phone while Patton was gone, scrolling through his texts with Dee and Emile. He didn't notice the fact that Patton didn't come back yet when he got s random text from Emile. Shouldn't be be sleeping right now? He's a busy boi. 

Emile:Ask Him on a date.

Virgil: WTF??? Weren't you the one complaining to me that I should wait???

Emile: Trust me on this one. Ask him if he wants to explore the street on Sunday since the shop is closed on Sundays. Pick him up at the shop ar 11 a.m and stop by the flower store. Baby Blue is his favorite color. He also loves icees and cotton candy and has never seen the movie UP before.

Virgil: How... How do you know all this?

Emile: Because I've been friends with Patton since I got into college. He's literally in the other room texting a rant all about you and how he "dreamed the perfect date" last night. I don't think you have to wait too long for this one, Virge.

Emile: Patton's the kind of guy who gets Smitten really fast, and it turns out that the person who deserves his love Rn is you.

Emile: If you want someone who will cling to you and love you unconditionally, Patton's your guy.

Emile: I know you're not like Remy when it comes to clingy friends and partners, Virgil. I was just trying to be protective of you so you don't feel uncomfortable or drive the guy away like I did with Remy. But when I heard it was Patton...

Virgil: Emile? Are you okay? Do you need me to call?

Emile: I think the two of you will be just fine. 💖💖💖

Emile: I can tell by the way that Patton keeps spamming me and forgetting thst s text can Ben longer than a single sentence that he really really likes you.  

Emile: Oh, and please don't call. Patton would find it fishy. I think us being friends should be a surprise to him later. Patton loves surprises.

Virgil: Thank you Emile. It really means a lot to me.

Emile: You helped me find my love 💘💘💘 Now it's time to return the favor 💜💜💜

Virgil: You should respond to Patton. 

Virgil: And I love you, Emile. 

Virgil: I'm happy I could help two of my best friends get together and have a beautiful relationship like yours.

Emile: Yep! I'm so happy thanks to you! Ttyl!

Virgil: Ttyl

Virgil looked up and watched the doorway to the kitchen, waiting for Patton to come back. Virgil felt confidence and reassurance after that quick conversation with Emile. So what did he say again? Pick him up at the store at eleven, take him to get some blue flowers, then watch UP? Nah, UP isn't the movie. Virgil doesn't do movie dates as the first date anyway. He needs to do this his way. Sorry Emm, Sorry Patt.

Patton stepped out of the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear. He walked around and was about to to pick up Virgil's plate and cup to bring to the wash when suddenly Virgil latched his hand onto Patton's wrist. Oh heckity heck Virgil craved death. That was so freaking awkward! But... he gotta do this his way. 

"Hey, before you do that... can I have your phone number?"

1300 Words

"It's important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place it becomes ridged and stale."

~Uncle Iroh

❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Have a Wonderful Day Ladies, Lords, And Nonbinary Royalty!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

A Guy I'd Kinda Be Into [Moxiety] (Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now