🦋Just For Him🦋

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The store was closed, but Patton refused to leave. Why? He was working on something. Something that was extremely very Mega important to him. See, Patton was thinking of that boy named Virgil with the Purple Flower in his hair all day long. He said he used He/Him and They/Them pronouns, right? Patton never forgets someone's pronouns.

If someone uses those two, but not she/her at all and it's always those two then they're a demiboy! Uh... right? Patton just went ahead and assumed after texting Roman for advice. Roman's the best when it comes to knowing everything about the LGBTQIA+/GRSM community. So Patton spent a lot of time painting a Demiboy flag onto a cup just for him!

While Patton set the cup under a lamp to dry, Patton got out some crochet materials. He was going to make a little doll like thing that looked like him. Patton never ever EVER forgets about  face! Why? Just because he felt like it and he wanted to! Just as Patton was making the little jacket, solid color lavender because he isn't that skilled, when the bell above the front door rang. Patton looked up and saw Emile there! Yay! What was he doing here? Who cares! Emile is here!

"Welcome home, Emile~🎶!"

"Welcome home? Oh right! You have an upstairs built in this place so this place is technically your house too right?"

"Uh-huh! We can go upstairs if you want! We have to go through the kitchen first though. And I wanna finish this first but that's okay if ya wanna go upstairs!"

"No no no! No need! You can keep working, I just want to talk to you."

Emile walked around and sat down across from Patton at one of the single's tables. Patton was working hard on the little jacket and tying it around the little doll's Waist. He made sure that it worked like an actual jacket so he could put it on the little doll. Same with the purple shorts and black pants. Patton couldn't make the Rips in the jeans, but it's cool. All he has to do now are facial features and the hair and he's done! Hooray! 

Patton was so absorbed in the little details and thinking about Virgil that he didn't notice Emile picking up the coffee cup and looking at the demiboy flag Patton just painted onto it. He peered inside and on the bottom of the interior of the cup he saw a purple flower painted there. Just another detail Patton added. No biggie. Emile sighed, a smile on his face as he looked over st his friend. He's definitely in love.

"All this just for him? Patton, you've only known him a day. I can't imagine anyone being so smitten so fast."

"Well, uh, imagine it! Because it happened! Emile he's such a cute and awesome person! You should have seen his facial expressions and how his eyes lit up when I mentioned being a proud panromantic asexual and when I talked about the recycling in my shop! He was just so... it was all so..."


"Yeah! I feel like I'm in my own storybook it's sll so surreal! I really love this guy, Emile. I really really do! And I really really hope he comes back to the café tomorrow! That's kinda why I'm doing all of this. I just really want to talk to him and get to know him and I really really really want to see him again! I'd do ANYTHING for his phone number!"

Emile fell silent, looking down at his hands. Was something wrong? Was Emile hiding something from him? Patton stopped his crochet project and waited for Emile to say something. It's not like him to get this quiet. Emile just twiddled his thumbs and stayed quiet. Patton set everything down on the table, dropping everything. Was something wrong that he needed to vent about? What made him upset? This broke Patton's heart.

"Patton, don't you think this might be just a tad too fast paced? You literally just met the guy today and you already feel such a strong connection? I'm not condemning you, I'm just asking."

"Emile... is something wrong? You never get like this unless something is going wrong."

"I just don't want you rushing into a situation you don't want for certain, that's all. You mean a lot to me and I don't want to see you end up getting hurt. You're doing a lot for this stranger and-"

"He's not a stranger! His name is Virgil and he uses both he/him and they/them pronouns! He cares a lot for seaturtles and recycling and he had a purple flower tucked behind his ear! Emile, if you're going to convince me not to be in love with this guy, then do it! Stop making excuses and tell me what the problem is, okay? I don't want you to be hurting either!"

Emile fell silent, frowning and not even trying to make eye contact with Patton. Patton waited for  Emile to do or say something. It took a while before he finally did.

"Remember when I first met Remy? I was so eager and excited to get things going that I nearly scared him off. I asked for his phone number, I asked to go on dates every day, I gave him gifts and tried to do everything way too fast for him. I was so overbearing that he even told me he wanted a break for a month and if I was like that when he came back... it was over. He couldn't handle me being a clingy puppydog. I don't want you to go through that same anguish and heartbreak of feeling you aren't good enough and you did something wrong just because you're a lot like me."

Emile wiped his eyes under his glasses, composing himself. Patton didn't remember Emile saying anything about he and Remy taking a break from their relationship at all. He just remembered Remy taking a vacation to go back to his hometown for a month. When Remy came back... Patton had no idea that happened to Emile. Emile shook it all off and smiled. 

"I was lucky Remy loved me and understood where I was coming from. I was lucky he was able to put up that barrier and tell me 'Gurl you're too clingy, don't be so insecure about yourself' because that's where clinginess comes from. I am so lucky that he still loves me even though his job requires him to go inn buisness trips often. I'm lucky that he loves me every time I go to see him at the airport and he loves me no matter how many years of college I have to go through to get my psychology degree and doctorate."

Emile paused, reaching over and taking Patton's hands into his own. Finally he made eye contact with his friend, putting a weak smile on his face.

"I don't want you to have to rely on luck to end up happy."

Patton stood up, keeping his hands in Emile's, and walked around to be standing in front of him. The only time Patton isn't ever taller than his friends is when they are sitting down, so it's the only time he can do this: he pressed a gentleman, comforting kiss on the top of Emile's head and flashed him a big ol' smile.

"No need to worry about me, family. But I'm Definately not going to wait. That's not me. If someone can't accept that about me, then they aren't my Remy. My clinginess is just a personality trait for me and not an insecurity, so if someone doesn't like it... tough toots."

"Oh my goodness you still say tough toots?"

"Again, it's part of who I am."

The two laughed and changed the subject, talking more about Emile's relationship and how he is a lot more comfortable than when they started out. All that really matters is that the two of them are happy.

1315 Words

"Follow your passion, and life will reward you"

~Uncle Iroh

❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Have a Wonderful Day Nidokings, Nidoqueens, And Nidononbinaries!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

A Guy I'd Kinda Be Into [Moxiety] (Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now