🦋Serene Sunday Morning🦋

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The author didn't Know how to continue this crappy fanfiction so she skipped a few days to make it Sunday so the Café would close and our main Boiz could go on a date! She's very sorry but you're also welcome because now you won't have to deal with dragging filter and we can get to the fluffiest thing that ain't! If you get the reference there, you're a champion. Why? 🎶'Cause I've been 'round for a long time, and Ivey learned along the way...🎶

So Patton was making sure his hair was nice and floofy in the mirror of his dresser upstairs from the café floor. He didn't have on the shirt he wanted to wear just yet, he just stood in front of his mirror in his light gray sweatpants and his chest binder.

 The author forgot what season it's supposed to be so let's say it's Autumn or something! Yeah, we don't need to go back and reread when we can just break the fourth wall!  Yep! We don't need a fourth wall  let's just smash it down so we can't ever repair it ever again! 

Patton finished floofing his hair and he smiled. He looked cute today! He slipped on the mint green sweater which he let hang over his sweatpants. He wasn't wearing the stripes and jeans/kahkis he normally wore in the shop, he wanted to show off his cute everyday clothes to Virgil for their first real date! AND IT WAS GOING TO LAST THE ENTIRE DAY!!! They were going to go around town and everything! It was going to be soooooo great! 

Virgil: Hey, I'm here. Are you ready yet?

Patton: Go ahead and come into the store! It's not locked or anything lol. I'll be down in a minute! <3

Virgil: Coolio, But hurry up before it gets cold. I swung by Starbucks and got you a hot chocolate.

Patton gasped and decided that he could forget putting on his normal basic makeup for the day. He ran out of his bedroom and through the small loft-like living area he had and flew down the stairs. Virgil was standing in the doorway holding two cups, looking pretty fly but we can describe what he looks like in a later paragraph, and Patton snagged one of them. 

He drank it and his face twisted in disgust. 

That's not chocolate....

That's super bitter...

 and it burnt his tongue!

Virgil only laughed, calmly taking the cup back. Patton could only imagine how nervous his man was. He did know about his social anxiety. Patton stuck out the tip of his tongue, trying to get it to cool down, and Virgil gave him the correct cup. Patton only held it, not wanting to burn his tongue again. Virgil didn't say a word. He was obviously anxious. He was going on and on about how anxious he was via text.

"Don't worry, Virgil. You'll be fine. I promise. And you did great with the hot chocolate! Thank you! Just wish I didn't BURN MY TONGUE!!!"

Patton yelled at himself, scolding himself for his own action. Humor always eases the atmosphere, right? So he just had to make a joke to make Virgil more comfortable with the events to come. Patton blew on the hot chocolate very dramatically for taking a sip. It's one of those cups where there's only a little slit where you can drink from. When Patton drank he nearly spat it out.


"I, uh, figured you were the kind of guy who liked marshmallows. If now we can take them ou-"


Maybe it was too soon to say the L word. Patton realized his mistake and looked over at Virgil. Whelp. He did tell Emile that he was going to go at whatever's pace he wanted to, not caring now fast it moved along because that's just his personality. Virgil was entirely red, but he was smiling like a goofball. Yeah, he's okay.

"Oh wait! I got you something too! Let me run upstairs and get it!"

Patton set the hot chocolate down on some random table and booked it up the stairs. He nearly forgot about his latest crochet project! He worked really really hard on it so he really really upped Virgil would love it! He picked up the little dolls and ran down the stairs. He presented them to Virgil, panting heavily to catch his breath.

"Here! I worked really hard on making you this! I read some really cute fanfiction online that had this sort of pastel x punk character thing and I thought since you like the emo music and punk style you'd like this!"

"You... you've sewn..."

"Nope! Crochet!"

"You've... you made a crochet doll of me and you with flower crowns? And why am I the one in the pastel colors when you like pastels more? I'm not bashing it, you look adorable in the dark teal, but... why?"

"Because the AU switches the aesthetics of both characters! I also think you'd look adorable in light pink and lavender."

"We should really try this sometime."

"Next Sunday maybe!"

"I dunno, I'm not very comfortable wearing light colors for... reasons... and, uh, don't you think that breaking the fourth wall is a great idea before going out for a little Sunday Stroll? The time pacing in this fanfic is garbage already...."

"Eh, don't worry about it! Deadpool and Pinkie Pie break the fourth wall all of the time so why can't we?"

Virgil smiled warmly, noticing how the hands of the two little dollies are connected. Patton made Virgil a lot more pink than purple because in the story he read had the normal colors the character liked also reversed. That's also why Patton went for teal rather than navy blue! Plus dark colors don't look good on Patton anyway so teal has both green and blue in it so it's kinda better? And brighter than most other dark colors? And Patton hates red. It brings out his acne.

Virgil took the little bag he sling over his shoulder, a tote bag he has completely for plot reasons, and he gently put the dolls in there. He had their little heads sticking out of the pocket and the holding hands also sticking out because... gay pride. Virgil took a sip of the bigger coffe that he had and he dumped it in the trash. Why coffee? Well Virgil went on a text rant on why Starbucks tea sucks and their hot tea is garbage. Patton makes the best tea. 

Anyways we need to get back to the plot! Virgil threw the cup away and extended his arm over to Patton. Patton wrapped his arm around his, kind of like how those escorts would do in old times days. Patton is smaller than Virgil so it works. Patton finished his hot chocolate, gobbling up the marshmallows without the lid on the cup and a chocolate mustache on his face. He grinned a sweet chocolate smile at Virgil.

"Shall we go?"

"Yeah, lets go."

1175 Words

"Understand that you can be sad, but if you are happy then don't feel guilty about enjoying a moment."

~Thomas Sanders

❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Have a wonderful day Boys, girls, and nonbinary lovers!❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 

A Guy I'd Kinda Be Into [Moxiety] (Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now