☂️For Forever But Moxiety☂️

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"Wait wait wait before we do anything can I meet Thackery? Please please PLEASE!!!"

Virgil stopped walking, pulling Patton back with him. They barely had gotten to a point down the street to where they can't see the coffee shop in the horizon anymore when Patton brought up Virgil's blind little kitty cat that Patton said he wasn't allergic to. Thackery is back at Virgil's apartment, the complete other direction down the street. Besides, he would feel guilty if he makes Patton's allergies get bad because of his cat. They should do other things first.

"Well... uh... How about later? There's actually a few places I want to bring you that I think you'd like so... yeah. Maybe later."

"Okay! So where's are we going first?"

"That's a surprise, wait for it."

They went all the way down the street until it ended, chatring about useless stuff just like they did on the phone pretty much 24/7. Patton has a lot of free time in between customers at Serenity Café and Virgil is a freelance editor and animator who is also working on his own video game.

 It's an Indie RPG that kind of operates like Deltarune but with beautiful Shelter Style Graphics, But it's basically a growing up simulator and every chapter is a three year span. It's supposed to be emotional like Life is Strange. Patton was really interested in it, so that was a giant part of the entire discussion as they walked down to the end of the road. 

At the end of the road there's two wooden obstacle wall thingies. If you climb over that, it's all just woods. If you go far enough into the woods and take a left, then keep walking you'll get to the Pear Orchard Virgil grew up in. His parents were Pear farmers, so what? Virgil was homeschooled, so what? He's a coding and tech god. Fight him. 

"Come on, this way."

Virgil easily climbed over the wooden barricade, having done this million times before with his friends Emile and Dee when they were little. They'd sneak out of the orchard and run to get milkshakes or go buy toys and comics with their allowance and run back like nothing ever happened. Woah, that was before Remus and his twin brother Virgil wasn't exactly met yet moved into the town. Weird, huh?

"You really want me to climb the barricade? Isn't this illegal?"

"You're kidding, right? I remember helping my Dad build this thing whenever this road was first being built! It was to stop the city from making the road go too far and cut down the woods and our orchard just down there. We rebuilt it recently and I did the paint while Dad did the woodwork. We always make sure it's here so nobody gets any bright ideas for the woods. So yeah. Totally not illegal."

Patton listened to Virgil's story with such intent it made him a bit nervous but not nervous at all at the same time. Ranting about things that are important to them and telling stories was basically their entire relationship for the week up to now. The first week/month or so is all about getting to know your new partner after all. At least that's how Virgil thinks relationships are supposed to go.

"Take my hand."

"🎶Take my whole life too🎶"

"Nah, I was thinking more like 🎶take my hand and caaaaaarry me through no man's land, it's fine, if you don't agree. But I would fiiiiiiiiight for you if you would fight for meeeeeeeeeeeee🎶"

"I don't know that song but it's really cool! Your voice did crack a bit and you got kinda nasally, but it was adorable!"

"Yeah, Ha Ha. Didn't exactly have a choir class. Homeschooled."

The two newlydating boyfriend shared a laugh over how they both were complete dorks. Patton took Virgil's hand and the two of them began walking in the woods, the sun shining down directly on them. It felt nice, a light breeze in the autumn air. Patton was staring at the ground, making a game out of crushing the most dead leaves and twigs on the ground. Virgil just watched him play that game, his yellow converse dancing against the ground and blending in with the autumn trees.

A Guy I'd Kinda Be Into [Moxiety] (Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now