🦋Purple Flower Boy🦋

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The first day was going really really great so far! Patton has had a lot of customers coming in for a long drink and a bite to eat! The tables were often used for a long period of time! The lofi jazzhop calmed people down as many people found Serendipity Café the perfect place to read after buying a brand new book at Barnes&Nobles! Patton just knew it was the perfect place to set up shops.

Patton hummed a tune, happily complying with the orders and managing to keep up with the crowd all by himself. How? Because people don't come in bulk. Someone occasionally walks in and finds themselves staying for a while, maybe coming up for a refil once or twice. Patton does free refills because he wants nothing more than food or his is patrons to be super happy! And free refills make people happy!

So Patton was having a great time making drinks and baking goodies, soft music filling the air and many people enjoying the calm, serene, pastel atmosphere. Patton's favorite part was when people his age or even teenagers would ask about the Pride flags behind him and even talk about the LGBTQIA+ community with him! Everybody respected his pronouns and his flags and everyone was just happy here. It's a calm atmosphere. It's a beautiful, Gay Café. Patton was very proud of it! He even texted that to Emile but he knew he was in classes so he'd respond way later into the day.

Right now it's just past one in the afternoon, a perfect time to be finishing lunch and getting a quick tea or just sitting down to read a book with a nice hot coffee. Especially since it was Autumn boarderlining Winter. The air was crisp yet cold and the brown leaves littered the ground everywhere, yet the sun would always still shine! Patton loved Autumn! Wait, that's irrelevant to the story. Whoopsies! The author got carried away! Sorry!

Patton was texting his friend Emile when he heard the bell over the front door ring. Yay! A customer! Patton looked up and instantly his eyes landed on the purple flower tucked behind their ear. That's so cute! They were also wearing a striped black and lavender shirt tucked into their black skinny jeans ripped on the knee. They had lilac converse and their hair was dyed purple at the tips. They had flower tattoos all along their upper left arm, but nowhere else. Their ears were pierced and they had a purple flannel wrapped around their slightly wider waist. They were a little-not-little pale pale and his eyes sparkled like chocolate diamonds. Patton instantly felt his heart do a summersault. 

"Hello! Welcome to the grande opening of Serendipity Café! My name is Patton and I'd love to serve you today! What can I get for you, family?"

Patton made sure to be cheerful and happy for the really cute person who walked into his shop. They looked behind him and the sparkle in their eye grew. Their face instantly went soft and they allowed their posture to slip a bit. The surprise of being in a place that actually accepts you for who you are is a beauitful thing. That's something that Patton wants everyone to feel when coming into Serendipity: that unexpected happiness and joy. It comes with the name!

"What's your name and prefered pronouns, friend?"

Patton asked, trying to nudge them into opening up and finding that thisnlace really is a safe space where they can be themselves. Patton noticed that their pale face was regaining some color and that their breath was practically taken away. Patton made a mental note of this and felt the urge to make this person really really happy. Their heart was exploding, the hole nearly gone. The hole of loneliness temporarily filled with a little crush at first sight.

"My name? Uh, my name'a Virgil and I use he/him and they/them pronouns. I'm comfortable with both. And, uh... you'd really call me friend upon just meeting me?"

"Of course! Everyone who enters this place is accepted and is my friend AND family! No need to be nervous, Virgil, and don't think about it too much. Just tell me what you want me to make you so I can make you happy!"

"Oh, uh... just a green tea? But, like, a berry green tea? That's weird I'm sorry."

"No that sounds super cool! Let me just go make it and I'll be back in a jiffy! Is there anything else you wanted? Like a nice pastry to eat?"

"No, just the tea please. And, uh, thank you.... Patton? Yeah. Thank you Patton."

"No problem Virgil! That'll be $2.69 and go find a place to sit. I'll call your name out when your tea is ready. Sit back and enjoy the nice music, you deserve to smile."

Patton sent him a wink and Virgil nodded, getting out a five dollar bill. Patton went to give him his change, but he refused. He pulled the tiny tip jar that Patton had decorated himself and smiled weakly at him. Patton shrugged, placing the money in there and skipping back behind the counter to get Virgil's things ready. It should be easy enough to make a berry flavored green tea, right? Right!

As Patton made it special for him, he couldn't help but feel really happy inside. Virgil was a really cute boy and that flower he has behind his ear upped the adorable factor! Purple really was his color! It made Patton inspired. Maybe he should put up a traditional rainbow flag and a bisexual flag somehwere, even the lesbian flag! All the pride flags! Well, the well known ones. But maybe that's be too much...

Wow his mind got sidetracked. Whoops! Patton finished stirring and felt proud. He sipped a bit from the spoon. Perfect! It tasted like tea, but with a raspberry aftertaste! Just what he was looking for! Patton poured the tea into one of his washable reusable cups because we stan wanting to save the environment, and walked over to the part of the counter where he set th drink down and called out for Purple Flower Boy.


Patton watched him look up from his phone at one of the singles/couples tables and setting his things down, standing up and walking over to the counter. He picked up the tea and was surprised to see that Patton had painted cute little animals on each cup. Patton waited for Virgil to say something, but he took a moment to find his words.

"Woah, did you paint these?"

"Yeah! I've been working on those for a while. Gave me something to do In my down time! I thought you'd like the sea turtle cup. Do you liiiiiiiike it?"

"Yeah! It's... it's an adorable cup. It's also fitting that it's not a plastic cup so you can reuse it and help the sea turtles."

"I'm so glad you said that because that's the whole reason why I got the cups made! I like having all my utensils be washable and reusable so we don't waste plastic."

"That's really awesome! Uh, thanks for the tea and, uh... thanks for building this place. It's really nice. I'm gonna go and... not be awkward now... Thanks Patton."

He took his tea and went back over to his table and went back in his phone doing whatever, the purple flower still in his hair and making him stand out above the crowd. Patton heard the bell ring again and Patton went to go take their order and make them feel loved and included. Patton had a wonderful time and always kept his eye on the Purple Flower Boy: Virgil

When he got his first free moment, he instantly texted Emile about Virgil. He was so excited about this person and he was just amazing. A wonderful person who seemed to share interests and opinions and cared about sea turtles! That's a big deciding factor. They HAVE to care about the sea turtles! Patton rented to Emile about this adorable customer and even snuck a little picture. Emile just laughed and encouraged him to talk to him more, and that these things cannot be rushed. He knows from experience with his significant other Remy.

Patton's smile fell when he saw Virgil stand up and leave. He was going so soon? Patron glanced at the clock. It was three thirty. It's  only been maybe two and a half hours! Why did he have to leave so soon? Virgil looked back and gave him a smile before he left. Patton sighed and decided he should collect the cups so he could wash them now. 

Did he really have to go?

1440 Words

"There's nothing wrong with wanting a life of peace and prosperity. I suggest you think about what it is you want for your life and why."

~Uncle Iroh

❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Have a Wonderful Day Boys, Girls, And NonBinary individuals❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

A Guy I'd Kinda Be Into [Moxiety] (Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now