🦋Sandiwches at Your Place?🦋

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Patton didn't know how, but he ended up falling asleep in a tree for half an hour. How does that happen!? Who falls asleep in a tree!? But Patton ended up doing just that, sitting at the top of a tree with his head resting on his brand new boyfriend's shoulder. In fact, the only reason why Patton didn't sleep longer is because he had a nightmare that balloons were illegal and they stole his balloons. Just as the police officer kicked down the door he woke up with a snort, but Virgil didn't notice.

Why is that? Why didn't Virgil notice? Because he was closing his eyes and taking in the sunlight, singing in his soft voice that Patton had only heard last night when Patton couldn't sleep due to anticipation and Virgil sung him a lullaby. He said it was Saeran's lullaby and it was in some language Patton didn't know. Patton asked and he just said it's from a game he likes. Eh. Patton didn't lift his head, he calmed himself down and listened to Virgil's soft singing.

"🎶I Met a Girl with a porcelain name. Easy to talk to but hard to explain. What do I do when I'm falling for you? The girl with a porcelain name... Meets a boy with a cardboard face...🎶"

Hey, Patton knew this song! He smiled and lifted his head, startling Virgil so bad he shook the tree and nearly fell off. He was lucky he had his legs wrapped around the branch and entwined with Patton's. He was also gripping onto the tree really hard so he wouldn't fall either. Patton just laughed at how awkward his little ball of anxiety was and Patton decided to finish the song for him.

"🎶But I met a girl with a porcelain name. She's easy to talk to she's hard to explain. What do I do c'mon tell me it's true: The girl with a porcelain name... Loves a boy with a cardboard face🎶"

"I thought you fell asleep?"

"I woke up! And I spooked you!"

Patton laughed, taking that as a victory. You know, like a child. He wrapped his arms around Virgil's, since he refused to take his hands off the branch for stability, and Patton hugged his arm. It was different from leaning on his shoulder because his cheek was being smooshed against his bicep. It was flabby but perfect to use as a pillow. Patton looked down and noticed the two dolls he made staring back up at them from the tote bag he left on the ground. Patton almost forgot about that.

You know what else Patton had nearly forgotten about? The rest of their date! The time! Thackery! Virgil promised that after he took Patton wherever he wanted to go that he would show his adorable blind kitty cat to Patton! Patton gasped at this realization, jolting his posture upright to look in Virgil's distressed eyes. He really needs to stop startling Virgil, he has anxiety for crying out loud!


"You mean Thackery?"

"Yeah! Thackery Binx! Your blind kitten! You promised me that I could meet him and shower him with love and affection after we do what you wanted!"


"Yeah! We can go over to your apartment and we can meet Thackery and we can make sandwiches for lunch and it would be super cute and domestic and I can see the kitty cat and it's going to be super great! Come on! Lead the way!"

Patton slipped his arms back to his side and looked down. It's pretty high, so he has to climb down a bit before he can take his normal leap of faith he always does when getting off a tree. He lowered his feet and placed them on the branch below, using the trunk as a center point of balance. Repeat this step one more time and he's ar a perfect jumping distance to the ground. With a grin, he jumped!

Huzzah! Perfect landing! He could be a gymnast at this point! Look out Simone Biles! He looked up and saw Virgil shaking his head, easing his way down skillfully. He lowered himself gently onto the ground. Patton picked up the tote bag and have it to him. They don't have all day! Who knows what the time could be? Patton was ready for an adorable kitten! Bring it on sniffles!

A Guy I'd Kinda Be Into [Moxiety] (Coffee Shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now