Chapter Fifteen: First Training Session

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The next morning, I wake up quite refreshed. Last night, I didn't have a single bad dream for once. Mekhi didn't invade her unconscious state of mind. The only dream I had was the normal one where I am surrounded by cotton candy clouds of different colors and fly through the sky, high above the world where nobody can bother me. Where I can be myself and see everything from up there.

The bed beneath me felt like I was floating on comfy clouds. I stretched my arms and legs beneath the sheets, getting rid of the stiffness in my joints as the blood circulation improved. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes with the palm of my hand.

I glanced over at the clock on the bedside table, it's about 10 o'clock in the morning. That meant I had slept for about 9 hours last night which I haven't done in days. When your on the run from monsters and dark angels, a good night's sleep isn't something that is possible to get.

After getting out of bed, I immediately made my way toward the bathroom. The shower was calling my name. It takes about an hour for me to shower, dress, and brush my hair and teeth and afterward I felt great.

Downstairs, I found Jasmine sitting at the dining table, eating a plate of leftover stir fry and flipping through a magazine she had in front of her.

Jasmine looked up as I entered the room and gave me a quick smile. I got a bowl and put some leftover stir fry in it before setting it in the microwave.

Jasmine swallowed a bite of her food before speaking," Did you sleep okay?"

"Yeah, I slept great actually. No nightmares." I told her.

"That's good." She said, smiling," I know how annoying bad dreams can be at times."

"You have nightmares, too?" I asked, curious.

"I think everyone does at some point. But angels tend to have dreams that are more scary and real than mortals. Angel Headquarters and Angelus Urbem is supposed to be a sanctuary where angels can be safe from the outside world but sometimes things get in. Like when you had that dream about Mekhi. "She explained," But most of the time our minds are protected here."

"That's good to know." I said," I've had enough of Mekhi's minions this week."

"Aren't we all." She chuckled softly.

After we finished our meal, Jasmine and I decided to check out the training room. She thought since I've never been in one, I might find it interesting. And yes, I do. The training room is huge. It's bigger than the gymnasium at school.

The room is very spacious and cool. There is an entire wall covered in weapons of all kinds such as shorthand and a half swords, long swords, bow and arrows, daggers, crossbows, throwing knives, axes, spears, and more that I couldn't name. On a long table against the wall to the left of the door, we came in is an assortment of white armor. It's the same color as the linen pajamas I wore the first night I stayed with Jayden and Jasmine.

The area across from the door was covered in a white fighting mat for sparring and sword fighting. And next to that is a set of archery range with red tape on the floor depicting how far from the targets you are standing.

It looks like Jayden and Lucas got a head start to their morning because they are currently going toe to toe, sparring with swords across from us on the mat.

The clanging of metal is the only sound in the room apart from heavy breathing and footsteps. Jayden was bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes focused on his opponent. He launched forward, sword whistling through the air, heading towards Lucas. Lucas parry's the attack, brushing the sword aside a flick of his wrist.

Jayden jumps back to avoid Lucas's undercut and feints to the left and switches to right at the last second. Lucas seemed to be expecting that. Each thrust, swing, or jab of Jayden's sword is easily knocked away by Lucas. Jayden appears to be on the offense while Lucas is only defending himself. Jayden slides across the floor, kicking Lucas's feet out from under him before getting back up onto his feet.

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