Chapter Fourteen: The New Arrival

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Have you ever played The Sims video game? I feel like a sim who just got slapped across the face by a stinky, slimy fish. To surprised to speak but also too upset to not say anything so all I can do is stutter. Attempt to process what is happening right now.

I had been stunned when a huge hellhound showed up in my living room. I had been shocked to find out that I'm an Angel and adopted. And I had been surprised when my powers had kicked in and I managed to kill that scorpion.

But what just happened takes the cake. Those other things were nothing compared to this. My best friend in the entire world has just shown up behind a giant monster and stabbed it in the back, causing it to explode into a million smudges of ash. He is literally standing in front of me, back straight, sword in hand as if he did stuff like this every day.

My mind is racing like a race car on a track. I had so many questions but I didn't know which one to spit out first. All I could think to say is obvious.

"Luke!" I exclaimed, speechless.

He smiled a crooked grin at me as if it was just a normal day at school or in his living room on a movie/game night.

"Hey, B. Sorry to drop in uninvited but I thought you guys could use a little help."

"We were doing just fine on our own," Jayden grumbled from behind me.

Luke just cocked an eyebrow, ignoring his comment, eyes focused on me.

"Jayden, don't be rude. He just saved our lives." I scolded him before turning back to my friend, "what he means to say is, thanks for the save. I just have one quick question."

"Just one, Bella. That doesn't sound like you." Luke's eyes twinkled.

"I have multiple but I thought I'd start slow as to not overwhelm you or myself," I explained.

"Ah, that makes sense." He nodded in agreement.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, still a little stunned at his appearance.

"I was looking for you, of course. My best friend goes missing and you think I'm not going to search for you. Your Mom and I were so worried when we couldn't find you in town. But then we talked to a cab driver that said you had been heading to Los Angeles with these two." He said gesturing towards her new friends," So I followed the trail of breadcrumbs so to speak."

"So you've been following us?" Jayden demanded, offense clear in his voice.

"I wasn't following you two, just Bella. I had to make sure she wasn't kidnapped by crazy people or in any danger."

"She's just fine with us. We've been taking great care of her." Jayden protested.

"I can see that," He said, brushing the ashes with his foot," You had everything well in hand."

"Are you being sarcastic? Because I invented sarcasm, buddy. And you don't want to get me started."

Jasmine decided to intervene before her brother did something stupid," Jayden, calm down. This guy helped us and he doesn't seem to have any ill intentions toward Bella or us."

" So stalking isn't a form ill intentions?" Jayden said.

Lucas rolled his eyes," I wasn't stalking her. I was protecting her."

"From us?" Jayden demanded.

"No," He said," From the monsters and dark angel's that want to cause her harm."

Jasmine's brow furrowed," How do you know about the dark angel's? Who are you really?"

"That's a good question," I said as suspicion replaced my happiness to see him," How do you know about all of this stuff? And where did you get that sword?"

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