Chapter 6 ~ Chariot

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Hey guys! So, in this chapter you will get more insight of what Kamoshida really is. I think that next chapter I will start putting warnings up due to what is happening. This chapter will have those undertones but not to the extent of the chapters soon to come. I hope you guys are okay with this. Also, this is a long chapter. Anyway, onto the chapter!

I wake up to me back in the Velvet Room. Nothing really important to retell in full so here is the abridged version. I have awakened to interesting powers, I'm gonna have to go through 'rehabilitation', whatever the fuck that is, a persona is a mask that your heart wears, Nose is the one who put the damn app on my phone, the place is called, 'the Metaverse', and lastly if there are other people who will prove beneficial to me, Nose will grant them access to the Metaverse. Told you it wasn't that important. 


I got up and started getting changed into my uniform. Nose's words about the app makes my head wander from idea to idea. I should just leave the app as it is until destiny comes and bites me in the ass. Walking down the stairs with a mini umbrella in my hand, I see Sojiro fixing up a cigarette and a plate of curry and rice. "Oh, you're up. Here's your food. I'm gonna go out for a quick smoke then open up the store. Be sure to put the dish in the sink when you're done and get to school this time, understand?" His voice was stern. I nod as he walks out of the store and begins to smoke. It took about fifteen minutes for me to eat and leave. Taking the same path as I did yesterday, I ended up at the school with zero sights of any castle. Reluctantly, I walk into the building and to my class.

"I'm the social studies teacher Mr. Ushimaru. I will be teaching you the rules of society this year." the obese teacher begins. Sounds promising enough. "Hmph... you all look like you've been spoiled growing up. Before we learn about society's rules, maybe I should start with the rules of being a decent human being." I was wrong. "Hey, new kid." Oh, I hate you now. Fuck you Ushimaru. "The Greek philosopher Plato divided the human soul into three parts. A soul is composed of appetite, spirit, and what else?" His gaze focuses on me as I just kept my expressionless mask on. This question is easy. No matter where in the world you live in, a Greek question will be asked. "Logic," I say and return to doodling in the corner of my book. "Correct. So you knew that, huh?" his praise goes unwanted by me as I started to zone out. It only lasted a moment as students began talking about me. Asking stuff like, 'Is she really a delinquent?' or, 'Maybe she's actually serious about studying?'. 

The whole day was boring. I don't know why Japan makes their school system boring as fuck. "Hey there, Takamaki," I hear as I exit the classroom. It was Kamoshida talking to the foreigner. "You looking for a ride home? Things have been really dangerous lately with all those accidents." His arm reaches over her shoulder as she shudders. "Sorry I have a photoshoot today. It's for the special summer issue, so I can't afford to miss it..." Takamaki fiddles with her hands as if to keep her mind off him. "Hey, now... being a model's fine and dandy, but don't work your pretty little self to the bone. You mentioned that you weren't feeling well, right? Something about appendicitus?" His worry seemed fake but the comment before he said that seemed true. Just judging by his tone and mannerisms, I can get a feeling that he's a pedophile. "Yes, I keep planning to go to the hospital, but I've been too busy... sorry to worry you." I can also tell that Takamaki is uncomfortable about him looming over her. "You must feel lonely too. I feel bad for keeping your best friend at practice so often. That's why I asked you to go out with me in the first place. Oh, and... be careful around that transfer student. She's got a criminal record, after all. She may look innocent but, if something were to happen to you..." He trails off as she nods. "...Thank you. Please excuse me." And with that, he allowed her to leave. He gives a pissed off look and leaves.

I take this chance and leave. I hate that guy already. The moment I step out of the gate, I hear something to my right. "Yo," It was Ryuji with his shit-eating grin. "What's up, dude?" I ask as his grin softened, "I wanna talk about that castle from yesterday. I tried tellin' myself it was all just a dream... but I couldn't do it. I can't act like nothing happened . It's all connected to that bastard Kamoshida, after all. I wanna find out what's up with that place, no matter what. And y'know, you're the only one I can rely on with this stuff. So, you in?". I knew destiny would bite me in the ass. "I was actually thinking about finding a way in there again. I guess you can tag along." I lied as his eyes light up. The two of us begin to retrace our steps from yesterday while I get bored of it quick. WE'RE DOING THIS SHIT TWICE! I could've just use the app earlier but I wanted to know if destiny would do it again. Wrong choice.

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