Chapter 19 ~ Wholesome Feels In Many Places

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Hey guys! From now on, these chapters won't be pre-written as this is the last chapter that was pre-written. Now, this was during my writer's block so if it seems rushed, writer's block sucks. Either way, I hope you like this chapter!

Last time on Persona 5 Female Protagonist Edition...

The four of us entered a huge room with a statue of Dog Shit. Oh god, he looks more stupid in stone. Huh? This room is shifting from it to the gym. "Huh? Is this... the gym...?" my thoughts exactly, Panther. "I get it... the gym's some kinda holy place for him. He's a god there," Oh, right... "I can't believe he can think that way... especially after what he did to Shiho..." the femme fatale's hands clench up as she holds back her tears, "God, that bastard makes me so freakin' sick! Just you wait, Kamoshida!"

"I see... so you are the ones who tampered with the library..."

Huh? "Guys, stick together. Back to back." I command as we do it.

" It seems my time here has paid off..."

Now, let's continue where we left off!

A knight with wings and a sword appears before us as we all begin the battle. "Guys! Check for weaknesses!" Summoning Silky, I cast 'Bufu' on it as it does neutral damage. "Let's go, Captain!" a lightning strike comes from Captain Kidd, "Dance, Carmen!" at the same time, Carmen blasted fire at the target. Yet again, both do neutral damage. Zorro swings his sword in his 'Z' motion with a wind attack, doing approximately the same damage as the others. The flying knight looks as it's charging for an attack, "Everyone, defend!" We do so as it casts 'Cleave' on Mona. "Okay, Mona! Be on healing duty! Skull, Panther, be offensive. When it charges, everyone be defensive!" The orders worked out as we defeated the shadow with ease. "Amazing Joker! You're order giving was splendid!" The praise from Mona while he healed us with Panther made me smile. Panther and Skull agreed with him as my face begins to flush in embarrassment, "Let's go and find the treasure everyone!" With those words, we continue on.

Our route leads us to being above the room from before. I was afraid of falling 'cause of my heels and I kept turning around to make sure Panther doesn't fall. With a big leap, I was able to make it onto the platform. However, I began to lose my balance. Falling backwards, I began grasping in the air for dear life. Thankfully, someone took hold of my left hand. "I've got you, Joker!" It was Mona! Panther was holding him by his feet while Skull had his arms around her waist. They pull me up with ease, probably because of my weight being in early 40kgs, as I began hyperventilating. "Thank you guys! And sorry, I really need to get used to stilettos..." They accepted it while jumping themselves and I follow. Panther helped me as I do the same. "Ooh! A chest!" the femme fatale pointed out as we walked up to it. Opening it, a foul smell poured out. It's a piece of grimy gear, "Oh god that stinks! Wait, isn't there a laundromat near Leblanc? Let's go when we have time!" Nodding at Mona, he takes it and places it into his infinite pouch.

Following the map we got from the... shrine room? What am I supposed to call it? I don't want to call it the 'Shiho Room' because that's just fucked up so I'm gonna call it the shrine room. Anyway, following the map lead us to the roof. Powerful shadows were on the prowl and a door on the other side. I take the lead and signalled them to follow once the coast was clear. Shit, I can't dodge this shadow. Okay, "Show me your true form, bitch!" Jumping from my crouching position, I land on the shadow's back and ripped off the mask on it. Two Beriths appear as I summon Silky to cast Bufu on them. Thank god, I already got a Berith so I know the weakness. "No holding back!" Calling out, the four of us go into an All-Out Attack. Easy experience. Oh my god, another shadow? Well, "I'll reveal your true form!" tearing the mask off, another Berith appears with a naked dude with an owl head and wings. What the actual fuck... "Ravage them, Silky!" Bufu appeared with the Berith as it goes down. Okay... who should I pass the baton to? Ah! "Skull! Leaving it to you!" We high five, officially passing my turn to him as he begins to shoot the owl man. Wait, it's weak to it? I'll take it! Nodding at him,"Alright! Time for some pain!" Skull calls out as we go into All-Out Attack. At the end, he falls on his face and stands up. "That's all she wrote!" Skull pulls the rock sign, giving him some cool points in my book. My face heats up but I just shake it off and walk up to the door.

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