Chapter 7 ~ Reason #1

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Hey guys! I promised you guys that next chapter will be about Kamoshida and this is what this chapter is. I know that almost everyone hates this guy, and don't worry because I hate this bastard too. Also, this chapter is going to have a warning from the start for the sole purpose that this chapter contains physical and sexual assault with some themes of pedophilia. If you have been through these events, I advise you to skip this chapter. I don't wish to be the cause of someone having flashbacks of what happened to them and have them relive their trauma. So that is all I have to say. If you are reading this chapter, I hope you enjoy it.

Kamoshida's POV

"In third place we have... Matsuda Garokin!" Matsuda walks up to the podium and receives his bronze medal. "Second is... Kure Sanjiro!" Kure follows suit to obtain his silver medal. The time has come. "And in first place, I have to honor to gift this to... Suguru Kamoshida!" Did I hear that right? My name? The boys started patting my back to show their support as I walk up and take my gold medal. I feel powerful up here. I feel... like a king...

One Year Later...

I was offered a job at Shujin Academy in Shibuya to be a teacher aid fro the gym classes. They said that I can take the offer up any time, so I can decide later. This past year has been nothing productive. No one told that once you win the gold, it will end up like this. I'm in debt, I have no job, no one is treating me like the star I am, it's like, they forgot me. I run my fingers through my hair and flipped a page in the magazine in my hands. My eyes caught onto something. A picture of a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes in a really revealing bikini. Underneath her photo is an interview she had with the magazine company. But I've got to say, she's so stunning. Her curves and everything, are they photo-shopped? It doesn't look like it. Gah! What am I thinking? She may be younger than me,and it sounds creepy. Even so, I just can't stop gawking at her. What's her name? I read a bit of the text below her photo. 'Ann Takamaki'  It reads. So her name is Ann Takamaki? I rip the page out and place it in a shoe box nearby.

Six Months Later...

C'mon where is her picture? Here! It was Ann in a maid outfit in a very seductive pose. This gave me the chance to look at almost all of her curves. The clothes were tight on her and her legs seem to go on forever. Who is this girl? I need to find her. Ripping out the page, I put it in the shoe box labelled, 'Ann'. The box was filled to the brim of all of her photos. Most were in bikinis while some of them were in trendy clothes. My stomach began to growl as I looked n the fridge. Nothing. Guess I have to go shopping. 

I enter the department store and head for the packaged meals. They were all over 1600 yen. I look in my wallet and saw a fly come out. I need a job. An idea then popped in my head. The Shujin principal said I can start whenever. I go to put the trolley back but I bump into someone. "Gah! I'm so sorry sir!" I can't believe it... it's Ann! "Ann! C'mon let's go and pay!" Another girl with black hair called out to Ann. "Okay! Coming Shiho!" and with that, the girl of my dreams runs away. Now that  think of it, she's shorter than I thought. In all those photos, she looked much older. Meh, her curves seemed to be unchanged though.

I went home straight away to call the school and they said I can start next week Monday. Yes, I will finally have cash. I need to pour out my happiness... aha! I pull out the Ann shoe box and peered through all the photos while tending to something else...

Next Monday...

"Everyone, this is the newest member of our faculty. Please give a warm welcome to gold medalist, Suguru Kamoshida!" Principal Kobayakawa called me up to the front as I follow suit. "It's nice to meet all of you. I want you guys to strive for your best in whatever you do, be it academically or sporty! If you ever need any help, please come and see me. I am happy to help." I spoke and got off the stage. That was a good opening. I just did whatever I thought was good though. "All right Kamoshida~San. It's time to get to work. I need you to help me supervise both track practice as well as volleyball. I'll leave you with the training regimens for the next two weeks. This will be a test to see if you can be a good coach." my higher up told me as I gave him a salute and walked away.

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