Chapter 21 ~ Miracles

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Woah! Hey guys, long time since Iv'e updated this with a chapter. I love this chapter, I think it's just so heartfelt and sweet and GAH! I can't stop gawking! Anyway, here it is!

Dog Shit hasn't been at school for a while. Morgana assumes it's the change of heart but we can't help but have worry in our heart. My parents' apology money started coming in and it was FREAKING 500,000 YEN!? I mean, I'm not upset but I was thinking they would give me way less. Meh, it's their issue, not mine. Everyday after school, Ann and I would go and see Shiho. No changes in her condition. I've been praying to the spirits to not take her away from this world, I just hope it works. This is the first time I've been asking the spirits for help in a long time, please, don't take Shiho away.

'Tell Akano, I'm sorry. She tried to help me but I shoved her down the stairs. Please Ann!'

"I believe in you... please... win...!"

Shiho... was that really you? Were you trying to communicate with us? Please...

"Hey, kid! Kenny's here!"

Ugh, Kenny... I don't want to deal with him at this time. "Coming...!" I have to though... I walk downstairs and see him sipping a cup of coffee and Sojiro washing the dishes. "Akano, I've evaluated your journal. Nothing bad so far. Just one thing, what's this drama at your school?" I just kept quiet while taking my journal upstairs. I don't want to talk to him. "Nee~Chan? Why are you cold to Uncle Kenny? He was your favorite uncle here in Japan too..." I just walked and crawled into bed. I don't want to talk about Kenny. Yeah, he used to be my favorite uncle in Japan but not anymore.

May 2, 20XX

The dreadful day came. The day that Mishima, Ryuji and I would get expelled. We changed his heart, this has to work. The principal asked for an immediate assembly so Ann and I went together to the gym. Students were gossiping about what the assembly was about and Shiho came up. Ann and I did our best to keep our cool but it was so hard. Eventually, the principal walked on stage.

"Let's begin this school-wide morning assembly. As you all know, a tragic event took place the other day." Yeah, almost a month... way to go on timing asshole. "Thankfully, we have just been informed this morning that she has pulled through, but it will take time until she recovers. Everyone here has a bright future ahead. I implore that you to rethink the importance of life and-" Kobayakawa was cut off by the gym doors swinging open. All eyes darted towards the sound as Ann and I gasped. It was Dog Shit. "I... have been reborn. That is why I will confess everything to you all..." He walks up on stage as I take Ann's hand. She turns her head to me so we exchange smiles. "I have repeatedly done acts that were... unbecoming of a teacher. Verbally abusing students... physically abusing my team, and... sexually harassing female students. I am the reason why Shiho Suzui tried to kill herself!" Students begin asking questions along the lines of, 'Why would he say this himself?' or 'Sexually harassing the girls!?'. Falling to his knees, tears began to fall. Dog Shi- I mean, Kamoshida started talking again.

"I thought of this school as my own castle... there were even students I sentenced to expulsion, simply because I didn't like them... I will, of course, rescind those..." So we aren't getting expelled, good. "I am truly sorry for putting innocent youths through such horrible acts... I am an arrogant, shallow... and shameful person. No, I'm worse than that..." At least he now knows he's a piece of shit. "I will take responsibility and kill myself for it...!" Wait, what? My grip on Ann's hand tightens as she does the same. We can't let him kill himself, two wrongs don't make a right. "Mr. Kamoshida get off the stage for now!" Kobayakawa wobbled to him, trying to help him up. "I..." I can't take this. Neither can Ann. "DON'T RUN YOU BASTARD!?" Ann and I yelled out with a serious look on both of our faces. Everyone stares at us while Ann continues. "Shiho is still alive even after all the things that made her want to die! You have no right to run from this!" Now it's my turn, "Killing yourself won't make her happy! That solves nothing! You need to atone for your sins, not running away like the fucking pussy you are!". "You're right... you're both absolutely right... I should be punished under the law and atone for my crimes..." Good. "I did horrible things to both Takamaki~San and Kurusu~San, as well. In return for giving Suzui~San a spot on the team... I tried to force Takamaki~San into having relations... as for Kurusu~San, I order her to keep her and her friends from being expelled... to have sex with me..."

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