Chapter 11 ~ Please... (Volume 2)

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Hey guys! I know, these last two chapters came out fast. It's because I got the chance to stay home and work on both of these chapters. Anyway, I just knew I had to make this one, especially because of this scene. Anyway, this chapter is optional but I recommend you do read this one. This will also have a warning in the beginning like the Kamoshida chapter because of a few obvious things.

Ann's POV

She... she stopped her... Akano stopped Shiho... thank you! "Wait, she's going back!?" What...? I look back and see that Shiho is back in the place where she was before. And in no time whatsoever, her entire body fell forwards. "No.. why...? Shiho...!" With tears rolling down my face, I made it to the courtyard. Students got in my way but I shoved them away. Paramedics shortly came and all I could do was watch them strap Shiho into a hospital bed. "Ann..." she called out to me and I ran up to her. "Shiho! Shiho I'm right here!" I clasp her hand tightly. "T-Tell Akano... I'm sorry... she tried... to help me... I shoved her... down the stairs.. please... please, Ann...!" I was right, Akano tried to save her. "Shiho, who did this to you!? Who made you want to do this...!?" she noticed the tears streaming down my face and tried to wipe them away. It didn't help. She whispered her answer to my question in my ear. The answer made me go wide-eyed. "Kamoshida...!?" "I'm sorry Ann. I... I can't take this... anymore... it hurts..." and with that, her eyes closed. "Shiho!"

"We need someone to go with her... are there any teachers around?" the teachers just don't care. And I don't want them to go with her. "I'll go!" I stood and went into the ambulance. The workers brought Shiho in and all I could do was hold her hand tightly. "Do you know her parents, miss?" I look up to see an adult across from me. "Yeah, I should call her mom..." I dialed up Shiho's mom and told her what just happened. I could hear her crying over the line. "D-Don't worry, Mrs. Suzui! We're on our way to the hospital, I'll meet you there." I hung up, her sobs made me cry. Shiho, please... please get better soon...!


I'm back at school because I forgot my bag in class. Ms. Kawakami rang me to tell me I left it there. Guess the situation took over my thoughts, huh? Sigh, Shiho's in the intensive care unit. They said she's lucky to have survived the fall because of her being fit, but it was still a close call because of all the bruises on her body. Mainly her back. Akano was right, the bruises on her back were horrible. She sustained a bruised spine, fractured leg, and a crack pelvis. This has led to getting paralysis with in her legs so when she wakes up and is ready, she will need physical therapy if she wants to walk again. Shiho...

"T-Tell Akano... I'm sorry... she tried... to help me... I shoved her... down the stairs.. please... please, Ann...!"

What happened up there? Why of all people, was Akano stopping her? It... it should've been me... no. I can't think about the past like this. If I want answers to that, the only person I can get it from is her. If I'm right, she's still here. I look around each floor but no one was in sight. All the teachers were gone too. 


Huh? Someone's crying? I peer over a corner and see Mishima sitting there. How did I miss him? Whatever. "Mishima? You okay?" I ask as he looks at me. "Takamaki...? Yeah, I'm fine... just, something happened... are you okay? Considering the circumstances..." he knows I was close with Shiho, he knows I'm hurting. I try to hold back the tears, "I'll be okay... for now... have you seen Akano?" he was shocked to hear me say that name. "So, you two are close?" Oh right! This is the first I said her first name in front of him. I nod in affirmation while he sighs. "If you're that close, I want to tell you something. I leaked her criminal record because Mr. Kamoshida made me. I can't look her in the face now, especially since she knows. It's not just that... Sakamoto, Kurusu and I are getting expelled at the next board meeting..." You've got to be kidding me. It's that bastards fault that Shiho jumped. And now he's gonna expel students who are innocent? Akano is a good person and so is Mishima. Sakamoto, I knew him in middle school. All I know is that he hasn't changed a bit. "Where's Akano?" I ask again and he told me and ran off. She was still in the practice building with Sakamoto. I hope I get there in time.

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