Chapter 1 ~ Failed Escape

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Cops are downstairs! How did they get here? The sound of screams countered the noises of the casino games. Oh well, gotta do it. I jump from chandelier to chandelier as they look above me. With a smirk, I step into the light as they stare at me. "Someone's up there!" one of the voices come from below as one cop takes his walkie talkie. "Target in sight! We'll get her immediately!" they run towards the stairs and with a bigger smirk, I go back into the darkness. I look to the side and see a vent. Going to it, I pry it open, place the suitcase inside and closed it. I go back onto the chandelier after closing the vent again and slipping on of my gloves through the vent.

"Good now get running!"

"This is our only chance!"

"Stay calm! You can get away now!"

"We'll retrieve the briefcase on our end."


"Hm...? What was that...?"

"Don't worry about us. Just concentrate on getting away!"

You got it. I begin to parkour my way to the back entrance on the lights.

"But I have to say, showing yourself above that crowd earlier was an excellent move. Nice work as always, Joker."

"I bet Skull wouldn't pull it off that smoothly."

I giggle at that last comment as I jumped on a platform that is curved and next to one made of hexagons. "There she is!" Oh shit, the feds found out my route. "Just run! Get out of there!" "Got it Oracle!" I jump on the hexagon platform until I reached a place where you can overview the casino.

"OK, the enemy's focus on her. Looks like the rest of us can slip away."

I run towards the stairs, that connect to overview with the casino until I saw security officers that transformed with beings with iron masks. Shadows. "Oracle, I need help!" I shouted as one jumped behind me.

"Take 'em down Joker!"

With a smirk, I jump into the air and flip onto the guy behind me and ripped his mask off. Blood splattered as I jumped away. It waddled a bit as it transformed into a thing with a bull's head and a tail.

"Comparing power levels... No threat. Get 'em Joker!"

This will be a breeze. "Persona!" Brave Blade. "Ravish them!" Yes! It was a critical hit, it's down! Hm, better save my SP and health just in case. I take out my gun and started shooting him until it disappeared.

"Good. You defeated it with ease."

"More of them?! Be careful!"

Just then three other shadows appeared. One came in for the attack but I swiftly dodged it. With a back-flip, I jumped onto a platform. Knowing another platform is there, I jump on there. "Joker, behind you! Go through that door!" You got it Oracle. With a mini spin, I rush towards the door, locking it in the process. Don't want them to follow me. It was the stairs leading up. I have to get out of here.

"You should be able to get out that way! Hurry!"

"Dude, can she even hear us!?"

"Don't worry, I'm picking up everyone's voices. Just go, Joker!"

I run through many doors as I saw an officer running pass a glass window. He didn't see me since I ducked under the window.

"Where'd they go!? Damn it! I can't confirm the intruder's location."

That dumbass. I was right here and he was talking about me and my squad. Talk about a bad cop. I stand up but see another officer over this file cabinet. "You'll never get away if you just keep fighting. Hide in the shadows, and sneak past when you see an opening!" Sure can do. Thank god Mona taught me how to do this. There are two more file cabinets in front so I jump behind and to the other. "...Hey, are you sure she came in this way?" The guy in a suit ask and he nods. "Understood. I will continue the search!" He runs past me. "Now's your chance! Run for the stairs!" Oracle yells in my ear as I rush up the stairs.

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