Chapter 17~ Ryuji's Past Part 2

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Hey guys! Quick note, I'll only be updating Persona 5 Female Protagonist Edition for a while because my mental state is all over the place and I'm getting better, no worries fam. For now until maybe after Christmas will all be this. I will be mentioning on my other fanfics on, as I'm working on one chapter each for until after Christmas. I hope you guys are okay with this slight change (even if you guys didn't, I would still do it) and enjoy the chapter!

Akano's POV

Opening the door, Akari welcomes me with a big smile and hug. Cute. "She's been doing that all day. Good thing she's cute or else customers might yell at the poor girl," Sojiro walked around to us and rubbed my sister's head, much to her annoyance. "Akari! Next time don't be a pain!" I jokingly said as she slaps my stomach. It wasn't hard but it was was funny. "Say, Akano. I want to have a word with you alone, is that okay Akari~Chan?" Akari nods and runs upstairs while Sojiro gestures me over to sit at a booth. "Hey, how's school? Minus the drama. You're not causing trouble, are you?" Resting his chin on his hand, Sojiro awaits my answer. "I have, Sojiro. You don't need to worry, I know my place and will continue being on good behavior." It seems his answer satisfied him because he leaned back into the chair. "Good. I've gotta report to Kenny twice a month so it's good to hear that. That being said, it's already a pain in the ass as is so please don't make me have to write even more crap. Got that? This society is kept in check by laws and authority figures." I know I'm a pain in the ass but there could be better laws and authority figures for Japan, we just haven't found them yet. "You could go and get yourself killed if you want, just don't go dragging other people into your mess. Last thing we need is more idiots like you roaming around," what he said and in that tone too, he's not being mean. He's being real with me. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought...

Just then, his phone began to rang. My thoughts immediately went to, 'It's a booty call' as he answers it. Can you blame me for thinking that? Outside of the store he dresses as a cliche pimp. "Hm? What's wrong? Yeah, I'm heading out now. Sorry about that... I know. The usual, right? Ok. I'll see you later." The middle aged man hangs up and places the phone in his pocket. Okay, that IS a booty call. What else could it be? He doesn't seem like the type to be close to his family... "As you can see, I'm pretty damn busy both at work and my private life," yeah, 'busy' and 'my private life'. Then again, it's not my business unless I meet his bitch so I'll stay out of it. "If you could lend a hand, it'd really be a great help..." this old man is taking care of me, making me curry for breakfast and actually acts more of a father than my real dad. He deserves to have less stress on his hands. "Of course, Sojiro. You took me in without even knowing me or even my parents when I needed someone to take care of me. And hearing that you also took care of Akari when I was at school is reassuring enough," I bow as I hear him chuckle, "Didn't expect you to be so well-mannered. Anyway, thanks for seeing it my way. Now, you won't be doing this without a reward. I'll teach you how to make the best cup of coffee, sound good?" Coffee does sound good now. I nod my head, granting him a smile on his face.

I fee like the distance between me and Sojiro seems to be closing slightly...

Back to the interrogation room...

"You may call yourself a phantom thief, but you're still a minor. Someone had to support you. Furthermore, they did so knowing you were part of that group... isn't that owner of the cafe an accomplice of yours!?"

Back to reality

I am thou, thou art I...
Thou hast acquired a new vow

It shall become the wings of rebellion
that breaketh thy chains of captivity.

With the birth of the Hierophant Persona,
I have obtained the winds of blessing that
shall lead to freedom and new power...

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