Chapter 12 ~ Lovers

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Hey guys! This chapter is gonna be a roller coaster of feels, let me tell you, oh my god. The  original scene in the game was tear-jerking for me but this is one of the strongest chapters for me to write due to the fact that I can sympathize with the two characters involved. You will know those two when the chapter ends. Oh, I just skipped to the part where they are in the safe room. All you need to know is that Akano has Jack 'O Lantern, Mandrake and Agathion along with Pixie from the last chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Ryuji's POV

We were finally able to reach a safe room. Mona heard some voices from down the hallway and went to go investigate. This left the two of us alone. Akano, I mean Joker, has been fighting with more conviction than before, is it because of what she told me?

"Shiho and I are similar. I was in that dark, dark place before. Even though our path to get there is different, I just can't help it."

So Joker was suicidal at a point of her life, what made her feel that way? "Hey, Joker?" I peeped up as she sets her gaze on me. Her posture was different from battles, maybe it's because she can relax here. "You told me that you and Suzui are similar... if you're okay with it, would you explain it? That's if you're okay with it... you don't have to tell me." Sighing, she folds her arms and sits down on a chair. "You know how I've said that when this year is over, I want to go back home? I never meant to where my mother and father are. I mean the place where my aunt and uncle live, London. I lived there for ten years of my life, making tons of friends, stuff kids normally do. But, one of my closest friends past away... I've never felt so lonely in my life. To top it off, I never went to her funeral due to the fact I have to go to Japan. This made me feel down at school. Culture shock kicked in eventually which led other kids to avoid me, bully me, you get the picture. It got to the point where I was suicidal... the first time I tried taking my life, my sister stopped me. But that didn't help. I jumped like Shiho did. As you can see, I survived, thankfully. Once I recovered, I transferred schools as my life turned around. I was genuinely happy and others were impressed of me coming from outside of Asia. Until... you know..." I didn't imagine her to pour her heart out. Why?

"I told you due to the fact that, you can get me. I feel safe talking about this stuff, Skull! Also, you were eventually gonna know anyway so, I just did it so I don't have to worry about it. I also want you to fully know my intentions of changing Kamoshida's heart. Suicide is no joke and thankfully, I'm a survivor. I wish to give courage to people who were in that dark world by setting them free. Seeing how that asshole treated her suicide really ticked me off. So, I wish to stop his acts for two reasons. First, to stop anything like that to happen again. Second, to avenge Shiho and the others he has wronged." She pumps herself up which, is actually kinda cute. She's been through so much... also willing to give everything to save anyone, even if she doesn't know them that much. "Joker, you're amazing..." I mutter not so loud but she was able to hear as she cocked her head. "What you just said... it was very admirable. That what makes you amazing..."

Akano's POV

"What you just said... it was very admirable. That what makes you amazing..." my heart skipped a beat as those words came from his lips. I don't think I'm THAT amazing... but man, if he wanted to, he could be the heartthrob high school boy type. "Heh, thanks dude. But I'm not the only one who's amazing in this castle. There's Mona, and you!" My face flushed pink and so did his. My lips formed a smile that put him more in ease. "Guys! This is bad!" Mona's voice broke the small silence Skull and I had as both of our attentions turned in his direction. "Wh-What's up? That was quick..." I guess it took Skull by surprise, "It's someone... she had a Shujin Academy uniform on and her hair is blonde in giant pigtails... SHE WAS TAKEN BY SHADOWS!" Wait, what? Ann's here? How did Ann get here? Does she have the app? "Blonde hair in pigtails... Takamaki!?! How in the world did she get here!?" My thoughts exactly. "I don't know if it's her name, but she looks like that doll from the other day. The one who was all over Kanoshida's shadow." Yup, it's Ann. "We have to go and save her! Mona, lead us to her!" The cat-like-creature nodded and began to take the lead.

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