Chapter 18 ~ King, Queen and Slave

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Hey guys! I'm doing much better since the last time I started writing the last chapter (Been a week or so, not the day of update) and I hope that you guys are doing well too! I'm going back to my normal life and getting ready for Christmas and New Years. I know that Thanksgiving past and even though I don't celebrate it, I'll try to do what you do on Thanksgiving. I've read that Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to things you're thankful about. It's going to be at the end of the chapter so I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and your holidays!

Ann's POV

Okay... now that's weird. What happened between those two? I'll figure it out today. I activated the app as the world began to warp into the world of Kamoshida's heart. My outfit went from loose to form fitting and I guess Akano had the same feeling because of her jittering a bit. "Okay! Let's start the operation!" Mona called out as he and Joker made their ways into the castle with Skull still standing. "Hey, Skull? Everything okay? What happened with you and Joker?" I approach him as he realizes we're in the other world, "Huh? We're here already? Oh! Joker and Mona are gone, we need to catch up to them Panther!" Okay, something is up. 1) He completely ignored me and, 2) That was too damn fast. Sighing, I followed him into the castle. Joker and Mona were waiting for us in the room with the vent and the moment Skull and I appeared, Mona began talking about something related to the Palace, lecturing us on how we should stay on guard and stuff. However, I wasn't listening. My eyes were locked on the other two in the room. They looked so awkward which made the atmosphere heavy, what happened? Did they have a disagreement? If so, they need to get that stuff out so we can focus on the mission at hand. "Do we all understand?" The cat figure finished with Joker responding followed by Skull and I even though I knew none of us were listening.

Exiting, we managed to make it to the furthest safe room we were in without running into any shadows and took a small break. Maybe I can use this time to ask about it. Joker sat in the corner while hugging her leg. I took notice that there is a bandage there, I should start with that so I can try and make it natural. "Hey, Joker? What's up? You're leg looks bad... what happened?" I sat down next to her as she looks at me, "Oh, Panther... it's nothing, really. You doing good? How was Shiho?" She's avoiding the subject, maybe this will lead to me asking what happened. "She's still stable, no knowing when she'll wake up but also no problems so far." She sighs in relief, "But now about you. What happened before I met up with you and Skull?" Her face turned red and turned away from me. "It's nothing! Guys I think it's time to resume the infiltration!" Joker stood up and ran out the door followed by Mona and Skull then me. I'll get it out of her, I know it.

Akano's POV

Ugh! I hate hiding things! But I'm too embarrassed to talk about it. Wait, I just ran out of the safe room without any knowledge on where I ran. Shit... all these fucking halls look th same! And Mona's got the map, I'm so fucked.


Crap... a shadow. Please say I can fight it! Please? The shadow bursts into two floating green seahorses with red eyes. Wait, fuck! Mona's not here to provide support, neither can I perform an all out attack. Okay... gotta go all out! "Persona!" Silky appeared behind me, "Dormina!" casting the sleep spell, one of them fell asleep. Alright, I just have to attack the other one with elements and see which one is its weakness. Eas- My thoughts were cut off by the shadow summoning another one. Grr... annoying. "Dormina!" Casting another sleep spell, it worked yet again. Thank god for this spell being a high chance. The standing shadow sent a Garu at me but it didn't do much. Okay, let's finish this. "Persona! Bufu!" The ice spell just grazed it, nothing. Okay, Bufu's off the table. Another wind spell from it but I dodge it swiftly. If it's resistant to ice, wind is also a no go since it uses it... can't summon Jack o' Lantern since it's weak to wind so... "I call... persona change!" My mask flashed blue for a second, "Pixie! Zio!" Pixie summoned a lightning bolt as it hit the seahorse. I knocked it down, yes! Keeping this streak, I continued to hit the others with Zio over and over again until they were gone. Phew! That was exhausting. "JOKER!" that voice... Panther! "I'm over here, guys!" Calling out, I see them walking by the turn. Skull spots me and decides to rush up to me and hug me. Of course, after what happened, my face was red but I tried to hug back. 

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