Chapter 8 ~ Getting Clues

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Hey guys! So, here is chapter 8! Sorry it's been taking a while for Persona 5 Female Protagonist Edition chapters compared to the Persona 4 (V) Female Protagonist chapters but I've been busy and I have an immense love for Persona 4 Vanilla, Persona 4 Golden though, Marie kinda made me not like it.  But anyway, as I'm writing this, I actually just watched Persona 5 The Royal PV#2 and Pancakes trailer and dudes, I am hyped! I can tell that Persona 5 The Royal won't let me down like Persona 4 Golden did. Anyway, I'm rambling. I can ramble after you read this chapter. 

"Welcome to the Velvet Room." I wake up to hear that creepy deep voice. Nose, why am I here? I stand and walk to the bars.

"I thought about resuming our previous conversation tonight. That is why I have summoned you." I have to sleep Nose. LET ME SLEEP!

"What are your thoughts? Are you becoming accustomed to this place?" "Don't be stupid. You summon me here in my sleep, when I need it most." My voice was as loud as ever. "You've got some nerve, Inmate!" Caroline whips the bars, as she was aiming for my hand but I moved it in time. "I imagine you have many reservations about returning here from your joyous, everyday life." Well, that's why I get, got salt rubbed in the wound.

"Your rehabilitation determines if ruin can be stopped. Yet, such a feat cannot be done by you alone. But today, you entered a partnership with someone who awoke to the same power, haven't you?" 

"You're talking about Ryuji, right?"

"Involving yourself with others is an important foundation for your recovery. You've done well. That said, I am not advising the formation of superficial relationships. It must not be of frivolity , but a ring of those who would, by morals or faith, lend you their strength. In other words, they are bonds with those who have been robbed of their places to belong. The expansion of said ring will, in return, help you mature as well." Okay, I get it. This year,  I will make bonds with people who are like me and Ryuji, not being able to belong anymore.

"Personas are the strength of heart... the stronger the bonds that surround you, the more power your Personas will gain" Justine's calm voice takes over for Nose but was replaced by Caroline's harsh words. "There are countless people in the city who have talents that a weakling like you doesn't. You better rack that noggin of yours and get them on your side. We'll change that into power." So the stronger my relationships are with others, the stronger I become? Cool! I live a life of a JRPG protagonist! 

"Indeed. You should be prepared to use even myself, or your ambitions will not come to fruition. We have a deal then." His chuckle through me off. Though, I feel like he has high expectations of me.

I am thou, thou art I...

Thou hast acquired a new vow.

It shall become the wings of rebellion
that breaketh thy chains of captivity.

With the birth of the Fool Persona,
I have obtained the winds of blessing that
shall lead to freedom and new power...

The Fool, ay? Okay, I have heard of these things. They are tarot cards. So, my bonds are represented by tarot cards? Alright. I feel power going through me.

Wild Talk= Allows you to negotiate with Shadows after performing a Hold Up
Arcana Burst= Earn bonus EXP when fusing Personas based on their arcana's  Confidant rank.

And with that, I'm back in my room. With a sigh, I get up, get changed, and head down stairs where Sojiro has a plate of, not curry but eggs and bacon, and a cup of coffee waiting for me. "Changed it up since you might've gotten sick of curry." He takes a sip of his coffee as I tell him that I will never get sick of his curry. I ate my breakfast, said farewell to Sojiro, and went my way to school. Once I made it to the school zone, students were talking about the volleyball rally. Good thing I always have my gym wear in my bag at all times.

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