Battle of the plains

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The first regiment had arrived and built their defenses, artillery was set, and scouts were out in the field. The enemy marched forward, shields and spears, some rode on horses. Banners flew over the marching army.

"7 divisions approaching, 3 klicks out." A scout said.

Earthshakers raised their guns to the sky, before a cannon roared to life, a streak of smoke rose to the sky, before crashing down into the earth. The soldiers walked around the ranging shell, not caring for it. The earth shakers blasted towards the sky, this time, as they landed, the shells detonated. The soldiers screamed as the shells blasted, shrapnel ripping through armor and flesh.

The attack in the morning ended as soon as it began, 7 divisions had been reduced to nothing. The Death Korp was anxious, preparing for battle. As a second attack began, the artillery fired, men walked across the fields, spread out, only to have a Las bolt hit them. Hydra flak tanks shot down wyverns. Barb wire slowed down marching soldiers. A whistle blew, and the Death Korp charged forward.

"Attack!!!" A captain said.

Nearly every man in the first trench ran forward, bayonets fixed. The Death Korp soldiers stabbed the soldiers, fighting as artillery still booming. Cavalry ran out, only for the rough riders to strike their flank. The enemy force retreated, Death Korp taunting the fleeing soldiers.

The Death Korp returned to their trench, and found that 42 men were killed. The Death Korp retrieved the bodies and equipment. The men resupplied, and waited. As night arrived, patrols walked the field, using lanterns to see through the night.

A Death Korp soldier walked the field, hearing a noise. Taking out a flare gun, shooting it to the sky. The flare was seen from base, and artillery aimed, a earth shaker shooting a flare into the sky, lighting the night. Dozens of earth shakers fired, killing many of the soldiers. Whatever was left of the army, rushed, only to be killed. A man walked forward, holding a bow, before he was hit by a blast of artillery.

As day rose, a soldier walked the field, looking at the enemy that was killed. He picked up a flag, before placing it in a bag. The soldier was one of many, looking through the dead.

The soldier was "Magnus" but had a code of A-752.

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