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Magnus was asked to join the JSDF, as the JSDF's command had asked for the Squad leader to be a representative, for question and an exchange of military information. Magnus had asked for a chance to get fixed equipment, resupplied, and explain his position. Ulrik Von Ruski was informed and smiled, seeing a chance to evaluate these "allies".

Magnus had returned to the HQ, rearmed, put on a new coat, new mask, and new pack, minus a power sword, his CO had commanded he finds it, and has it return to Magnus's side. Magnus saluted the officer, before he was handed a pic capture device

"You have a second objective, gather information on their base." The officer said.

Magnus nodded, before he left, mounting a Krieg War Horse. He rode towards Italica, meeting the JSDF at an intersection. He dismounted, meeting 2 death riders, who galloped away. Magnus waited, before seeing the a transport driving close.

"Are you the Korp soldier?" A man asked.

"Yes." Magnus answered.

"Get in." The man said.

Magnus climbed in, and rode to the jsdf base. He watched as the land passed by, before reaching a town. He was confused these humans let abhumans live so close? It was disgusting, they should simply be eliminated, not live near the base of humans. Riding up a ramp to the fort, Magnus smiled, large wall guns, anti vehicle ditches, barbed wire, good defenses.

Pulling in to the fort, Magnus was amazed, the area was clean, similar to the HQ he knew, but different. They were here to stay. As the soldier looked around, he was lead to a large square building, and was met by the girl from Italica, with blonde hair.

"Hello, ummmm, can I take your coat?" She asked.

Magnus shook his head, he held his hand out.

"I would like a room." He said.

She placed a key in his hand, and nodded.

"Room 12, end of the hall." she said.

Magnus nodded, walking towards the room. As he walked, the door to room 11 was open. He peaked in, and saw 2 figures, one with red hair and one with blonde hair.

"The craftsmanship is amazing, finely decorated, and sturdy, the world on the other side of the great must hold great craftsmen." The red head said.

He saw them looking at a sword, the guard fashioned in the shape of an eagle wings. The pommel was a skull. The sword's design was familiar, but he was unsure why. Magnus shrugged and walked to the room, and entered.

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