Deep Recon Team #5

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Magnus stood in line with the rest of his team. 2 chimeras transports, a Leman Russ battle tank, 10 kriegs men, 4 grenadiers, and 5 rough riders of krieg. Magnus and this group would survey the surrounding areas. The group split up, 4 soldiers in the tanks, 4 driving the 2 chimeras, with 3 of each. The riders rode behind the transports, as the tank drove between the 2 transports.

The group took off, driving towards a forest that was seen after the battle. The advance was slow, reaching a village at mid day. The people looked at the kriegs men. Magnus walked up to an old man, pulling out a data slate.

"Hello, I am, 5-1-01, we are here for questions." Magnus said, reading a translation guide.

"More questions?" The man asked.

"What do you mean?" Magnus asked.

"A group had stopped and asked questions, we produce lumber and agriculture. There is a village down the road, across the river, and follow the bank." The old man said.

Magnus nodded, and walked back to the chimera, 2 children were looking at the horse of a rough rider, the claws scratching across the ground. They heard an engine, before a green car pulled up. A figure stepped out, dressed in green, dressed in a vest and holding a stub gun.

"Who are you?" He asked, aiming at Magnus.

Magnus aimed, along with the others.

"We need to evacuate these people, a dragon is flying around, it burned a village down, we need to get these people out of here, before it attacks this village." The man said.

Magnus lowered his weapon.

"Team, deliver a warning to the village. A beast is attacking." Magnus said.

The kriegsmen nodded, and ran towards the village. Magnus walked up to the man.

"Death Korp of Krieg, 49th Assault Army, 8th regiment, Recon Team 5, designation 5-1-01." Magnus explained.

"I'm Youji Itami, Lieutenant of the JSDF." The man said.

The 2 shook hands. The people of the village rushed around packing carts.

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