The Other side

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Magnus stood at attention and waited, Lelei, Rory and Tuka along with Itami stood near him. Pina and Bozes joined, the 2 looking at the Krieg soldier. There was a quiet sound of him breathing, with his las-gun slung over his shoulder. 

A limo pulled out of the gate, and everyone climbed in, Magnus set his back down so it rested between his legs, as and so her could watch everyone else. As the vehicle drove through the gate, Magnus looked out the window.

Leaving the gate, Magnus covered his eyes, the bright light nearly blinded him. The door opened, and Magnus grabbed his bag, before looking around.

"A world like a hive, but with blue skies." Magnus commented.

"This is incredible." Pina said.

Looking around, Magnus felt the wind blow on his coat. He walked up to Itami.

"What is it we shall do here?" Magnus asked.

"Well, we wait here for a bit, then we will be heading to the senate, for an interview, but, first, we will be doing to go the a store, food and change of clothes, mostly for Tuka." Itami said.

Kuribayashi and Kuwahara nodded. They looked at Magnus, before laughing slightly.

"Don't worry, you don't have to wear the gas mask." Kuwahara said.

"You look like you came out of the first world war." Kuribayashi said.

"Krieg is a planet covered in radiation and is a war world, we shall sacrifice ourselves for the sins of our past." Magnus said.

"Like, solar radiator? It's not like you nuked your home planet." Kuribayashi said.

"To kill the traitorous Autocrats, who turned from the God Emperor's light, our great hero, Colonel Jurten, used all the power he had, and brought the world of Krieg to a world covered in flames you can't see." Magnus said.

Itami walked to the gate, before he met the person who was to take them to government building. They saw the bus, everyone climbing in. The ride was slow. Turning to look out the window, Magnus saw several trees, lights, and tall glass buildings.

 "A festival, do they have Sanguinala? Has the emperor reached this world? They don't have servitors, where is this world?" Magnus thought to himself.

Turning at a light, we passed a section of this city, with stores. The Bus stopped, in a commercial district. Magnus stepped out, looking around, people had some strange outfits. Itami had Kuribayashi take Tuka into a store, while Kuwahara tried to make Magnus take his gas mask and helmet. After dozens of minutes, he gave up, allowing Magnus to stand near the bus, "guarding it".

2 girls walked up to magnus, and took a picture of him.

"Must be a cosplay convention nearby, or he's waiting for friends." one girl said.

Magnus was lead to a store, he set his pack near his feet, and opened it, power packs, non-lethal explosives, ration bars and can's of water, ploin juice and a few packs of Recaf. The soldier removed his gas mask and helmet, and took a ration bar out. Taking out a small knife, he cut the corpse starch bar, and ate some of it, before downing it with water.

The group got back on the bus, and prepared to head to a the government building.

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