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"Men of green and faceless figures appeared the same day as a flame dragon. They saved us and aided our evacuation. With rods of iron, staves of red light. Beasts of metal, carts of iron, and monsters like horses all faced the dragon, without fear, they faced the dragon." A woman said.

"Rod of iron? Beasts of metal? Faceless figures? This seems impossible." Princess Pina Co Lada said.

"What does this rod of iron look like?" Hemilton asked.

"You know, it looks like a man's rod, but big, and black." The woman said.

Hemilton and Pina blushed, as Grey and Norma spat their drinks out. The woman snickered as she walked away.


"Our forces were devastated by the enemy, we never saw their attacks, they charged us as we were retreating, blasts surrounded us, demon took the form of horses, and men rode them, their spears caused blasts, no force would be able to face such an enemy." The mercenary commander said.

Pina had listened to King Duran, how the United Army was destroyed with ease. The other enemy was just as bad. How could the empire win, with not one, but 2 enemies that were unmatched in battle.

Mercenaries and the United armies disbanded, returned home, or became bandits.

-days later-

"Sir, the reports from the city of Italica is a vital trade hub, we shall occupy the territory, and begin planning follow up strikes. We have also had Imperial knight holy judgement join us for a month." An advices to Ulrik von Ruski said.

Magnus- Commander

Kriegsmen units
5-2-01 (Emelia) riflemen
5-2-02(Emma) riflemen/combat expert
5-2-03(Dora) explosives expert
5-2-04( Angela) long-las user
(If you find the references, you get a character of your design)

They were given a Taurox for scouting, and a vox-caster, flares and supplies for sand bags/entrenchment. The group got in their vehicle, while Magnus rode the passenger seat. They traveled a road, eventually seeing smoke, from a man made fire. Traveling along, they reached the walls of Italica, death was in the air, and bodies littered the ground.

Magnus walked to the gate, and raised his fist, slamming it on the door. He knocked and waited. A few more vehicles pulled up behind them, and 3 girls, and Itami stepped out. They walked to the door, with the 2 soldiers standing at the door.

"So, nice car." Itami said.

Magnus removed his helmet to rub his head, as Itami had it under his arm.

"We really should learn to communicate." Magnus said, before the door opened, and the 2 were knocked out.

"Should we do anything?" Dora asked.

"We were told to wait, so we wait, til orders change." Emelia said.

"You 4 really are the least imaginative guard regiments." Angela said.

"And you are crazy for sacrifice." Emma said.

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