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Magnus, Itami, Rory, Lelei and Tuka were underground, in an unground transit train. Magnus was looking around, watching everyone. The train stopped, and the group got in. The group ran into the other soldiers, along with Bozes, who was clinging to Tomita and Pina, who held onto a pole, near Kuribayashi.

"They keep asking it we are taking them to the underworld." Tomita said.

"Could be worse, We could be going through the warp without a geller field up." Magnus said.

"Why is that?" Kuribayashi asked.

"From what I've heard, it's just as bad as suicide, but slower, some go mad, some will turn into something less than human, others just die." Magnus said.

Rory stood between Magnus and Itami, holding onto Itami. The 2 looked at Rory, who looked at Magnus, and pulled him close.

"The Underground it Hardy's domain." Rory said.

"Hardy? Another god?" Itami asked.

"For over two hundred years, that person has been proposing to me, again and again and again and again and again and again and again!" Rory said.

"So, why us?" Magnus asked.

"Hardy repellent, Hardy can't stand men, so maybe I can keep a certain someone away, if I stay like this." Rory said.

The train stopped, and the door opened, with Komakado. They road the train, before Rory became nervous, asking if they could leave. When the train stopped, Magnus pushed his way out, followed by everyone else.

As the group looked went through the station, Rory dragged Magnus up the stairs with unusual speed. Magnus saw it was night time, a cone of light, nearly blinding the man. He stood up, and looked around. 

The rest caught up, saying that the "enemy" will probably be taking more drastic actions before long. Just as that was said, two men ran from the station, one grabbing Rory's axe, the other, grabbing Magnus's Lasgun.

The man who grabbed Rory's axe fell down, the axe on his back. Magnus chased the man who ran his lasgun, taking out his entrenching tool. Magnus pushed through the crowd, before he grabbed latching the shovel closed, and throwing it, the edge of the shovel slashing into the man's back, before Magnus pushed him down, and grabbed his lasgun, his foot pressed on the man's throat, as Magnus awoke the machine spirit, pointing it at the man.

"Magnus, don't worry, police are on the way, you don't have to ki-" Itami said, before there was a flash of red light.

Magnus said something, putting the machine spirit to rest. He slung the gun over his shoulder, and turned.

"Fighting an enemy with no honor gives them no right to be taken as a prisoner." Magnus said, walking back towards the group.

There was flashing red and blue lights, as an ambulance took Komakado to a hospital, as he strained his back, attempting to lift Rory's axe.

"Itami, head to Ichigaya Hall for tonight." He ordered.

"Roger that." Itami said.

As the group reached a hotel, they saw it was on fire. 

The group stopped at a store, before entering an apartment complex, and Itami knocked on the door. Itami opened the door, seeing it was dark, with no heating. As everyone walked in the small room, they saw a woman. Magnus stood at the door, looking around, before shutting the door.

"This is my Ex-wife." Itami said.

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