Q&A- Answers

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Magnus finished sorting the mail and then delivered it to the various people, when he noticed some were for him. Magnus returned to the desk and sat down, looking at the letters.

"Well, let's open this can of warp spaghettis." Magnus said, grabbing the first letter/

"From @Theoddspacemarine have you see the Inquisition recently? To answer it, no, I have not seen a team of flamboiant, strangely dressed figures around, so, idk.

From @Spongbob-san How hot is the optimal temperature to burn heretics? Well, I'd say for best results around 2000 Decgrees, for ash, for meals if you are desperate, 600, just make sure that it's 145 degrees before eating, you don't want worms.

From @mysterious_stranger5 Why the name magnus, I mean no disrespect but every time I read the name I keep thinking of Magnus the Red, thanks TTS. Well I was told that my Vita-womb batch all had defects, missing fingers, bad organs, smooth brains, supposedly one was actually fused with a twin that grew in him.

From @Shadowgunny25 How does magnus feel about Rory being a demi god? Personally, everything about this place annoys me, from the creatures, to the wide spread acceptance of mutants, that creature being a unusually strong and able to heal fast, doesn't bother me that much.

From @Random40kFan What is the most effective way to purge a heretic astartes that you have observed? Fairly easy, the most effective way to kill traitor power armor is with a plasma gun, set it to over charge, tape sticks to that thing, throw it at them and watch the fire works.

From @321gman What are your overall thoughts on the capabilities of the JSDF organization as a whole and the key individuals you have met, their technology level, and rough assessment on the potential nature of their "Terra" alternative and how it may best be brought into the Imperium without causing its desolation as a holy relic.

Ok, so, I'm going to need to break this question up. 

My thoughts of the JSDF, the JSDF itself is somewhat flexible, and is improving constatly, along with the joint operations, we have some better understanding, but we see that have a major weakness, they do not want to risk the destruction of these ancient style forts, they want the infrastructure, we can deal with building it back up.

The people I met, they are interesting. They see us mostly....trust worthy, but they lack the edge to survive, they still feel compassion to others.

This alternative Terra and recapturing it. I think the assault would need power armor....and it would have to be a lot, like, nearly all of Ultramar numbers. To capture it without damaging it, that would be impressive.

From @Cheekibreeki2 will we invade the Saderan and make it apart of the Imperium? This is simple, we invade, and solve the location problem, then begin to collect the tithe. Though from what what I've heard, our best choice would be if Pina allies with us, worst choice, Diabo is a wild card, we have little information, he's less active then the others.

From @the_BI_Battledroid When will you get your sword back? ...I had a sword? Oh Fuck, I had a sword! FUCK! I LOST A SWORD! Where did I leave that sword, or....was it taken?

-meanwhile, in the Imperial armory in the Imperial Capital of Sadera-

Soldiers had found a sword in a large stone in the palace court yard, and it was close to Princess Pina's balcony, so a rumor had began, any man who can draw the sword, will gain the attention of the Princess.

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