
5.4K 109 81

The bus stopped, and the group walked out, Magnus walked out, having to leave his pack and lasgun on the bus. He walked towards the large building, before Itami stopped him at the door.

"Magnus, I please ask you to remove your gasmask and helmet, the air is perfectly fine, it's mostly Oxygen and Nitrogen, besides, we know that air in the special region, this region, and your region are about the same." Itami said.

Magnus gave an angered look, or thats what everyone thought, gas masks do a pretty good job at hiding expressions.

"I think it would aid in communication, as they will be asking questions." Lelea said.

Magnus shook his head, before, removing his helmet, hooking it to his belt, before removing his gasmask, hooking that to the other side of his belt.

"Thank you." Itami said.

Magnus looked around, before the door opened and Itami was first to enter, followed by Lelei, Tuka, Rory and Magnus. Cameras flashed as they walked in. They sat down in chairs, while Magnus looked around, observing, before putting a his gasmask back over, covering his mouth and nose.

"Does he need that to breathe?"

"Who's the last guy?"

"That's not what soldiers in the other world look like, right?"

The crowd was silenced, as everyone prepared.

"We will begin the deliberations." An announcer said.

A woman walked up to the podium, before showing a sign, showing "154". Itami walked up to the podium first.

"I'm going to be as straight forward, 154 people died under JSDF protection, alone with these "imperial forces" reported on. Yet no soldiers were hurt. How exactly is that possible?" The woman asked.

"Well, the dragon was strong." Itami said, leaving everyone flabbergasted.

"You are the field commander, those lives were on your hands, how do you take responsibility for their deaths!" She yelled at the soldier.

"I admit, we lacked the power." Itami said.

The woman smiled, Magnus knew it as a smile that was to push an agenda.

"We lacked the fire power to deal with a threat we lacked information on. The beast put up a fight that made the 50's mounted on our jeeps peashooters, the imperial laser rifles and heavy machine guns didn't do much either, due to slow speed, and well, 5 guys charged in on horse back with lances." Itami said.

Magnus nodded, as everyone looked at him. He  learned that the scales were as hard as tungsten, with only a seventh of the weight, making a note to have soldiers try and harvest scales of the dragons after it is killed.

Lelei was brought up, where she discussed the refugee camp, no restrictions, Tuka was next, where she showed off her ears, and explained she was out cold for the majority of the dragon attack. Rory was next.

"Can you explain your life at the refugee camp?" The woman asked.

"I am an Apostle to Emroy, I wake up, pray, take lives, pray more, and go to sleep." Rory explained, with Magnus having t restrain himself from attacking the girl.

"Is it due to the actions of the JSDF that your family was lost?" The woman asked.

Rory was confused. Lelei restated the question, making Rory lean back for a second, before leaning into the Vox device.

"Are you a god damn idiot!" She yelled into the Vox.

"Itami and his men did something no one else has ever done, they fought off a flame dragon, you stated that 1/4 had died, wrong, 3/4 had survived. Soldiers must have a hard time living here, if you don't understand the value of those rescued." She said.

"Young lady, you should respect your elders." The woman said.

Rory smiled, before slowly pulling on the bow of the object she carried, which Magnus suspected, was the axe. Itami stopped her, to Magnus's disappointment.

"Madam chair woman, I would like to inform you that Rory, is the oldest person present here today." He said.

Everyone looked at her, before it was asked.

"I am 961 years old."

Everyone looked surprised.

"And you miss Tuka?"


The focus shifted to Lelei and Magnus.

"I'm 15." She said.

"27, I think, maybe 25.........possibly 30." Magnus said.

"Why do you not know your age?" Tuka asked.

"I was born from a Vita-womb and been through the warp, from what I understood, time is stupid in that place, besides, I'm a soldier, age doesn't matter as long as I can fight for the emperor." Magnus said, sitting in his chair, arms crossed, and eyes shut.

"Who is this emperor?" The chairwoman asked.

"WHAT!" Magnus screamed, before every light, glass screen and window suddenly cracked, Magnus's eye glowing a dim red.

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