Hot springs

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Magnus sat on a porch, looking at the night sky. He wondered, what did this world have, that made it so, alien to him. A planet at war with itself, that was nothing new, be on ancient Holy Terra, this was something very different. He was standing upon lands that had yet to be touched by the emperor, but, it was in fulfilling in this feeling.

Everyone else was in a hot spring, relaxing, while the enemy hunts is a poor idea. Magnus hadn't even removed his gas mask, when he heard the distant sounds of what sounded like fighting. Magnus watched, and smirked. He was developing a plan, a set of defenses he could set up. He was about to begin building a trench, when Itami and Tomita grabbed him.

"We're taking out you to the hot spring, you need to enjoy yourself." Itami said.

Magnus was taken to a showers, his gear taken away, placed in a basket. He was then put in a shower, before brought to a pool of hot water and dropped in. Magnus pokes his head out of the water, giving an angry glare. He just sat nearly sunk, his nose barely above the water.

"He's like an angry turtle." Tomita said.

"I'm more wondering how he got that nasty scar." Itami said.

"Orks." Magnus said, poking his head up a bit further from the water.

"Orks, like, big green men, with pig snouts that have a fascination with princesses and female knights?" Itami asked.

Magnus cocked an eyebrow, as well as earning a strange look from Tomita.

"The Orks are a parasite on the universe, their spores will grow nearly anywhere, making them near impossible to eliminate without a flamer, or lots of destruction, leaving a place evaporated." Magnus said.

"Like a fungus?" Tomita asked.

"From what I understand, yes, a lot like a fungus, that's hard to kill when their big." Magnus added.


"I HATE THIS! WHY WAS MAGNUS SENT ALONE! WE ARE HIS SQUAD! It's unfair." Lisa said, sitting in the turret of the Leman Russ.

She kicked aimed the turret at wyvern and blew it up.

"You don't have to worry, Magnus will be fine, he's got that weird instinct stuff he has." Emma said.

"Yeah, he always knows when a fight's about to begin, besides, it's not like the enemy attack him when guarded by the other side's soldiers." Dora said, taking cover behind the tank, as she screwed in 2 wires to a plunger box, and pushed the bar down, blowing up a rock slide that blocked their path.

Patty and Liz were silent, firing the side mounted bolters on the Leman Russ.

"Magnus will return, or else." Hannah said, looking the next shot in the gun.

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