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The Deep Recon Team #5 and the Third Recon Team of the JSDF aided in the evacuation of Koda. Magnus and Itami worked on trying to solve the issues between the 2 groups. As the last carts was loaded, and carts were being pulled out, when one tipped.

"Kurokawa, see if there are any wounded." Itami said, as a female soldier with black hair ran by.

"5-1-08, 5-1-09 and 5-1-10, investigate the cart." Magnus said, the 3 Death Korp soldiers saluted.

Itami looked at Magnus, confused.

"How can you tell who's who?" He asked.

Magnus tapped his shoulder pad, showing a number on the shoulder. The soldiers of krieg saw the broken cart, and shot the horse. A girl with light blue hair and dressed in robes watched. The girl was hurt and the jsdf had her carried in their transport.

The chimeras were driving up front Death riders were spread around the convoy. The Leman Russ drove near the middle. The slow speed of the convoy made watching for enemies easy. Carts were burned as parts broke, little was taken from the carts. Carts were pushed out of mud when stuck. The carts stopped, a girl walked the road, carrying a large poleaxe. She was an Oracle, and traveled in a jsdf vehicle.

Reaching a large open rocky plain. Looking out, the evacuation moved along a cliff. A winged figure flew towards the group, as the figure appeared clearly, it was eaten in one bite, by a red scaled, massive beast with wings.

The chimera, Leman Russ And JSDF transports drove across the open plains, towards the dragon. The JSDF fires at the head of the beast. The stub guns fired on dragon, the Leman Russ took with it's main gun, aiming at the body, before firing. The heavy round missed the beast as it turned. A blast of flames was spit from the beast's mouth, 4 death riders burned alive as they charged the beast.

The jsdf fires a missile, and hit the beast's arm, causing them to flee. After the battle, Magnus walked up, the Death Korp made graves for the dead. The jsdf and people prayed, as the Death Korp made an eagle with 2 heads across their chests. Magnus had taken the equipment of the dead death riders, what little could be recovered. The last death rider was to deliver a message back to base.

"A secondary force has appeared, 5-1-01 will investigate the group, and return after information is gathered." Magnus wrote, handing it to the death rider, as he held the last horse's reins. Magnus and the jsdf rode towards the jsdf base.

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