25. I told you so ~ EMMETT

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Hector stayed true to his word

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Hector stayed true to his word. He had in fact gone on an actual date with Lily and it had been very successful. Unfortunately. Suddenly, I found myself wishing I'd never told him to ask Lily out, because they were constantly being disgustingly sappy together now. Then again, I should be happy they weren't the type to start making out in front of others unperturbed and unprovoked, because those were really the worst kind of people.

However, the sweet nothings and the pet names were just as bad, if not worse. Hector had been renamed Giraffe, for some reason. The origin story was lost on me. He was not exceptionally tall, so I could only hope it had nothing to do with his tongue.

I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit when Hector left us in the food hall because his free period was over and Lily said, "Text me when your class is over, babe! I miss you already!"

Even if Jamie and I hadn't been intentionally keeping our relationship a secret, I would never talk like this. Not in public. I'd said some pretty cheesy stuff to him, but I did it ironically, to piss him off and rile him up and then kiss the frown away. I wouldn't do that shit when there were other people around. That would make it awkward. I only enjoyed it when it was just the two of us. Lily and Hector somehow seemed to not realize that there were other people.

"Lily, he is literally still here," I said.

Lily pouted and watched Hector walk away, before replying, "Now he's not."

I slapped my own forehead.

"You guys are too much," Phyllis said.

"Thank you," I muttered.

"And I thought watching Emmett and Jamie flirt with each other was torture."

Jamie rolled his eyes. "Everyone knows you enjoy it."

"Not if you don't do anything with it, I don't," she sassed back.

"And what would it be to you if we did?"

It had been around four weeks now, and Jamie was clearly over it. He had not yet outright said it, but it was pretty obvious that he no longer wanted to play this game with Phyllis. The knowing and the longing looks had turned into straight-up... romantic frustration? Was that even a thing? If it was, he was experiencing it. He kept alluding to things with suggestive remarks and eyebrow wiggles, and now he was even rising to Phyllis's bait.

Last weekend, when we went to get a drink with the group, he followed me to the bathroom just to tell me that he wanted to cuddle the shit out of me, which was so adorable I had to kiss him, and Hector almost walked in on us. We were lucky he paused in the doorway for a moment to say something to Lily, who'd apparently decided to go to the women's bathroom at the same time—yuck.

Phyllis pursed her lips and started, "Well, it would be..."

I raised a brow.

"It'd be the perfect opportunity to say I told you so."

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