30. Just a heads-up ~ NATE

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I somehow convinced Carl to not edit our video into oblivion

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I somehow convinced Carl to not edit our video into oblivion. I didn't want him to get rid of that smile. That bright smile he showed when I awkwardly negated the assumption that he was single—it was endearing—and now everyone in his comment section was losing their mind. It was amusing, to say the least—scrolling through the comments and reading their theories.

They were happy to know Carl was dating someone, of course, but that was besides the point; they had to know who it was, and the fangirling was almost... benign, in a way. I didn't know what kind of reaction I was expecting, but I couldn't be mad about the one we got. From what little they knew about me, they seemed to like me and it was comforting.

I couldn't help but smile at every observation and every guess at my appearance.

I was male, yes, that much was obvious, and I was probably around Carl's age because I sounded young, though, to some I sounded older. My voice was low and deep, and occasionally, sexy, even. I was tall—no, short, and I was a blond, or a brunet, or maybe bald? Gray eyes, perhaps? Facial hair? Maybe not. And certainly, I must be cute. Then again, I put the milk in the bowl before the cereal, so I must be an actual demon. A hot demon—

Okay, enough YouTube.

I opened Twitter to look through my timeline. It was a lot more interesting now that I was actually following people other than the handful of accounts I'd followed back when I created the account, and Carl. But I somehow always circled back to him. Under the 'In case you missed it' tab, there was his most recent Tweet.

Carl @CO_Lens · 5h
i know you guys are super curious about the guy in my video but i won't reveal his identity until he feels safe and comfortable enough to do so and i hope you can respect that!

Some people clearly hadn't seen the video yet—they seemed very confused by the existence of the aforementioned guy, making me even more of an enigma than I already was. Others were surprisingly... encouraging. It was almost as if they knew I'd be reading their words. They said I could take all the time I needed and that they would welcome me with open arms if I decided to introduce myself to them and just... a bunch of really sweet shit.

I wished I could.

I wished I could just tell everyone about Carl and let him tell everyone about me. I wished I could go home and introduce him to my family as my boyfriend the way my sisters could...

My boyfriend.


It would have been wonderful. The twins' birthday was coming up; it would have been the perfect opportunity. Now the only person I could tell was Johanna. I suppose I had that, at least. As if she knew I was thinking of her, Twitter disappeared from my screen to make place for an incoming phone call.

I rolled my eyes and answered the call, "Hi, Jo."

"Hello, little brother, how you doing?"

"I'm doing just fine," I replied. "Let me guess. Mom wanted you to ask me to come home for Terrence and Micah's birthday?"

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