3. The queer squad ~ NATE

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"So this is the plan

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"So this is the plan. We're gonna go to this LGBT-whatever place, which means it's not really a gay bar, so you can stop the whining, and some of my friends are coming too, and you can meet new people and it'll be super fun."

I gave Jackson a look.

He only smiled in return. "Oh, and my girlfriend is coming."

The sense of dread that filled my stomach after hearing that must have somehow shown on my face, because his smile dropped.

Before he could mention it, I said, "Okay. Fair enough. Tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, tomorrow."

"Looking forward to it," I muttered.

If there was anything I was not looking forward to, it was going to a gay bar—oh no, excuse me, an LGBT bar with Jackson and his girlfriend and his friends, whom I didn't even fucking know! It was already bad enough that I was going to be surrounded by... gay people. I hated everything about them. Their lifestyle, their culture, their pride. I could not understand why they would show off their abnormality so unashamedly. It wasn't right. I knew there was nothing they could do to change it, of course, because they were born with it (I knew that better than anyone), but that didn't mean it wasn't still an aberration. A defect. An error in their DNA. They weren't supposed to be like that. I wasn't supposed to be like that.

So why show it off?

If I could do something to change my sexuality, I would do it within a heartbeat. I would do anything.

"Who are your friends?" I asked.

"Well, there's Kenny, who's like... my BFF, I guess. And if he's coming, he's bringing Mason too."

"Mason? Your brother?"

"Yeah, they're, uh... together."

I almost dropped my book in surprise. "Together?"

"Yeah," he replied with a long sigh. It gave me the impression that he wasn't entirely on board with it, but he made no further comments. He simply continued without giving me the time to reply. "Anyway, they are coming, and I asked Jamie, who said he's bringing Emmett, and Nazy is bringing her friend Krista."

So many people... How could he expect me to get along with all of them? I barely got along with him.

Now I really wasn't looking forward to this... To meeting all these people and learning their names and all that bullshit. I'd rather be at home reading a book than learning people's names.

With that being said, I felt like I was supposed to know who this Nazy was, because...

Wait, Nazy was his girlfriend, wasn't she?

Of course.

And of course she was fucking gorgeous.

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