14. Home ~ NAZY

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A/N: Time to rate this story mature :)

Upon my arrival at my dorm room back in the States, I discovered, to my grave disappointment, that Milou was home too

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Upon my arrival at my dorm room back in the States, I discovered, to my grave disappointment, that Milou was home too. The moment I came in through the door, she called out, "Welcome home, Nazi."

"Thank you, Milou, you're so lovely," I muttered in reply, while walking over to my bed to drop my bags and grab my phone to check for new messages. What I really wanted right now was to take a shower and a good, fat nap... but then I saw that I got a message from Jackson.

Jackson: Come overrrrrr ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

"I know," Milou said. "Unlike you."

I ignored her and grabbed a towel and clean clothes and then disappeared into the bathroom, but when I came back, she asked, as if no time had passed at all, "So where'd you go? During the holidays, I mean."

"Why do you care?" I grabbed my coat. "I'm leaving again."

She said something about staying away for good this time, but I just rolled my eyes and walked right out of that room and made my way over to Jackson's campus, which was thankfully less than an hour away. I didn't want to spend any second longer with Milou. I'd already gotten enough shit from my family the past two weeks and I really didn't want to add my roommate's bitchy comments to that as well. I just wanted to be with my boyfriend.

I fell asleep on the bus, but the lady in the seat behind me was so kind as to wake me up, and when I got out at the bus stop in front of Jackson's campus, I walked as fast as I could until I finally got to his room.

It took him but three seconds to open up and trap me in a tight embrace.

"Hi, beautiful," he murmured. "I missed you."

I tightened my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck, pressing my cheek against his warm skin and inhaling his scent. "I missed you too."

Even after staying in the luxurious house that belonged to my own family for two weeks, only Jackson smelled like home. Only his arms felt like home. I broke out of our hug to grab his face with both hands and planted my lips on his, pressing them together like I would never get a chance to do it again.

"I missed you a lot," I added.

He suddenly lifted me up with a wide smile on his face and carried me to his bed, where he did the exact opposite of what I expected him to do: he hugged me. He hugged my stomach and sighed deeply into my chest. I thought he was going to jump me. I reached down to run my hand through his hair as he mumbled, "It's good to have you here."

"It's good to be here," I told him.

He lifted his head and gently pressed his lips to the bare skin right above my collar.

"Jackson, can I please take off my coat?" I whispered.

"We can take more than that off."

"Yeah, alright," I laughed, "I meant please get off me so I can take it off."

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